Two weeks will be the Spring Festival. China has introduced the policy of stabilizing workers in many places to promote employees to retain, employment stable, and sustainable production.

According to the surging news on Tuesday (January 3), Shanghai issued ten policies and measures on December 24 last year, which attracted attention to the measures to issue subsidies to the front -line personnel of e -commerce platforms and postal express enterprises.After that, many important cities in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi, Xinjiang and other provinces have also introduced the policy of stabilizing workers, issuing employment subsidies and providing support policies, encouraging employees to speed up returning to work, and spend the Spring Festival at the work place.

The stabilization policy issued by Shanghai proposes to issue stable subsidies in stages.Encourage e -commerce platforms and postal courier companies to continue to provide express delivery and takeaway services. From December 25, 2022 to January 27, 2023, the first -tier personnel who work for key monitoring e -commerce platforms and postal express companies will be given.Subsidies of RMB 60 a day (the same below, about 12 yuan); first -tier personnel who work during the New Year's Day and the Spring Festival, give 150 yuan per person to subsidize each person per day.

The stabilization policy encourages key engineering construction and construction projects to stop working and stop working. During the subsidy period, the actual number of jobs in the event of the day in November 2022 is the key project construction project with more than 80%of the actual jobs.The first -tier personnel of the work subsidize RMB 100 per person per day.Subsidy funds are jointly guaranteed by the municipal and district levels.

11 measures for the Spring Festival in Nanjing City's Spring Festival retaining workers will propose that small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households that use state -owned property houses and individual industrial and commercial households will be given half a discount for the Spring Festival for the Spring Festival.Insurance rate policies, implementing stable employment policies such as slow social insurance payment, social security subsidies, and training subsidies.

The measures of stabilizing jobs shall implement support policies such as non -layoffs or less layoffs, and implement support policies such as stabilized insurance for unemployment insurance in accordance with regulations.Encourage enterprises to guide foreign employees to celebrate the New Year on the spot by issuing red envelopes and New Year gift packages.For enterprises that stay in the Spring Festival and continuous construction of the project, the one -time reserved subsidy will be issued at a standard of 500 yuan per person in the New Year's insurance (or household registration) employees of the New Year.

Suzhou "Ten Articles" encouraged measures in various places in accordance with the actual needs of the production and operation, adopting measures such as issuing red envelopes, improving dining conditions, and arranging entertainment activities in the nearest entertainment activities to retain workers and retain workers.During the Spring Festival (January 21 to January 27, 2023), if key enterprises arrange non -Suzhou employees in Suzhou, Suzhou will give corporate condolences according to the standard of not less than 500 yuan per person.

According to the "Ten Articles of Stable", the enterprise absorbed the non -Suzhou household registration personnel who came to Suzhou for the first time from January to February, and signed a labor contract for one year or more and participated in social insurance for three months and above in a row.Suzhou will give enterprises to Sosu employment subsidies at a standard of not less than 500 yuan per person.For takeaway express delivery platforms that meet the relevant requirements, each person who meets the corresponding distribution single -line employees will subsidize 50 yuan per day per person.

Zhejiang Wenzhou encourages enterprises to attract foreign employees to celebrate the New Year on the spot by issuing red envelopes, New Year's gift packages, improvement of work and living conditions.For enterprises with more than 30 foreign employees who have retention during the Spring Festival, the employees participating in the country (the top four of the ID cards are subject to the top four of the country, and the employee pension insurance participates in January 2023)Issue one -time reserved subsidy.The temperature staying time is subject to Wenzhou City from January 6 to February 5, 2023.

In addition to the distribution of one -time employment award, Quanzhou, Fujian, has determined to take measures to stabilize the employee team by the local industrial and information department.In January 2023, the number of employees participating in the unemployment insurance was based on the number of employees, and rewarded according to the standard of 1,000 yuan per person.During the "two sections" period, in accordance with the 1,000 yuan per household, the employees of "bitterness, dirty, tired, and dangerous" are arranged to condolences to jobs such as "bitterness, dirty, tired, and dangerous".Encourage parents of non -Quanzhou employees to go to the New Year's reunion to celebrate the New Year, and carry out caring and condolences to some first -tier employees' families in the New Year of their parents to the New Year of the New Year.

Urumqi, Xinjiang, proposed that enterprises that have not been produced and operated for more than seven days for the impact of the epidemic in the previous epidemic shall be issued in accordance with the standard of RMB 500 per person in the insurance employee.As of January 1, 2023, the local issue has been basically completed, and a total of 279 million yuan has been issued to 69,928 units.