Hubei Hanjiang Bridge New Year's Eve due to fireworks caused by fireworks caused by fireworks caused by fireworks caused by fireworks caused by fireworks caused by fireworks caused by fireworks.The thick smoke at the scene was rolling, and there was a burst of flames. Some cables were ignited. Fortunately, there were no casualties.

According to the report released by the public channel of Guizhou Radio and Television on the "People's Follow" Weibo official, at 1 am on Sunday (January 1), the fire caused by fireworks near the Hubei Xian Taohan River Bridge.

On -site screens show that the fire location is located below the bridge. The scene was large, the thick smoke rolled, and there was a burst of explosion. Some cables under the bridge were ignited.

The police of the local police station said that the fire was caused by the people from the New Year's Eve. After the fire was launched, the police and firefighters of the police station immediately rushed to the scene for disposal.On Sunday morning, the local fire department said that the accident had been handled and no casualties were.