The first day of Chinese official visits to Saudi Arabia, the official visit to Saudi Arabia held a grand welcome ceremony for him; the two countries also signed 34 investment agreements the day before, which will be in green energy, logistics, and infrastructure construction.Cooperate with information and communication technology and other fields.

Comprehensive Agencence France -Presse, Reuters, Bloomberg and China CCTV News reported that Muhammad, who is responsible for the daily affairs of Saudi Arabia, held a welcome ceremony for the Chinese official on Thursday (December 8th) at noon (December 8) at noon.

China's official car arrived at the Palace Office Square under the guard of the Motorcycle and Malaysia team with Saudi Arabia and the Chinese flag. The two then reviewed the honor guard of the palace.

Chinese official in the afternoon also met with Saudi Saudi Salman.

Reuters pointed out that the official courtesy obtained by Chinese officials was in sharp contrast to the low -key welcome ceremony held by the US President Biden in July this year, and formed a sharp contrast.Meitsa's relationship was nervous because of Saudi Arabia's energy policy and Saudi objections Jamaler Kashuji in 2018.

Saudi Arabia Saudi News Arabia reported that the total amount of these projects was disclosed when the two countries signed a cooperation agreement, but in a report, it said in a report that Saudi Corps signed a $ 30 billion (S $ 40.7 billion) Cooperation agreement.The total trade between China and Sands in 2021 was 80 billion US dollars.

Sashayan also quoted the words of Saudi Saudi Investment Minister Herchid, emphasizing that the cooperation agreement in Saudi China reflects Saudi Arabia's willingness to develop a comprehensive development relationship with the "friendly China".

Saudi Arabia Economic and Planning Minister Fergaar also affirmed that the relationship between Saudi and China was deep and widely issued in the press release sent to Sashayan.There are solid strategic partnerships such as investment and other fields.

China is the largest buyer of Saudi oil, and a quarter of the oil output of Saudi Arabia is sold to China each year.China has also participated in the infrastructure of Saudi New Future City. This construction cost is estimated to be $ 500 billion in projects and will build a smart city and tourist city on the Red Sea coast.

Chinese green energy technology and experience can help Saudi Arabia to achieve economic diversification

Cui Shoujun, a professor at the School of International Relations and Director of the Institute of International Development of Renmin University of China, pointed out to Lianhe Zaobao in an interview that the past economic exchanges between China and Saudi Arabia are single, mainly from crude oil imports and exports, but China ’s technology in green energy sources in terms of green energy sources isAnd experience can help Saudi Arabia realize the "2030 vision", get rid of dependence on the petrochemical industry, and achieve economic diversification.

The relationship between the two countries has shifted from "single -wheel drive" to "multi -wheel drive"

He said: "The complementary cooperation between Zhongsha in green energy can strengthen the existing energy industry."

Chinese officials will next to the first China -Arab National Summit and the China -Gulf Arab National Cooperation Commission Summit held in Liad.