A survey shows that medium -sized enterprises in mainland China have confidence in business growth next year, and more than 70 % are expected to grow.

According to China News Agency, HSBC Group released a survey results for global medium -sized enterprises on Thursday (December 8) in Shanghai.In mainland China, medium -sized enterprises in mainland China are confident in business growth next year. As high as 77%of the interviewed companies are expected to achieve growth in 2023, and three -quarters of the company's interviewed companies plan to expand new overseas markets.

HSBC visited more than 2,100 annual revenue of US $ 10 million (about S $ 13.56 million) to $ 500 million in 14 markets around the world.The survey shows that more than 40 % of mainland China interviewed believes that the efficiency of technological innovation and the continuously growing domestic demand is the two major driving force for their growth.

From the perspective of international business, 63%of Chinese interviewed companies continue to be optimistic about the international trade environment next year.Promoted by this expectation, 75%of the companies interviewed plans to open up new overseas markets, which is higher than 64%of the global average.

Ma Jian, deputy president of HSBC (China) Co., Ltd. and chief business and financial director: "The current global economic growth has slowed down, the inflation of many countries is continuous, and the energy prices are high.Challenges, but at the same time, the changes in the global economy will also bring new business opportunities. Our survey shows that mainland Chinese companies are actively deploying the development of the next year. It is plannedEnterprises are about 40 %. These measures will not only help them resist backwind and achieve growth in the next year, but also seize opportunities in changes in the global economy. "

While looking forward to growth, while looking forward to growthThe interviewed mainland Chinese companies also know that business is full of challenges next year, including: further control and reduction of costs, ensuring high -quality suppliers, and some companies worry that the market demand for their products and services may not be enough.In this regard, the interviewed enterprises are actively responding through a number of measures. 45%of the companies interviewed will focus on expanding the new market in the next year.Interviewed companies plan to launch new products and services.