The Chinese official media Xinhua News Agency published an article saying that the most difficult period of the epidemic has gone through, and the pathogenic force of Omikdon virus is weakening, and China's response ability is increasing.

Xinhua News Agency on Monday (December 5) published entitled optimization prevention and control measures to establish a period of evaluation of self -confidence.The article wrote that with the weakening of the pathogenicity of Omiko virus, the popularity of vaccination, and the accumulation of the experience of vaccination, and the accumulation of experience in preventing and control, the prevention and control of the Chinese epidemic facing a new situation and new tasks.

The article said that in the past three years, the Chinese medical and health and disease control system has been tested, and the full vaccination rate of the entire population has exceeded 90%.The most difficult period has gone through. Now the pathogenic forces of Omikon virus are weakening, and people's response capabilities are enhancing. This has laid the foundation for continuous optimization and improvement of prevention and control measures.

The article states that China has continuously improved its understanding of the virus, dynamically summarized the experience of epidemic prevention and control, and promoted the nine version of the prevention and control plan to formulate 20 optimization measures to prevent the stability of the control strategy.The flexibility of prevention and control measures effectively respond to the uncertainty of the epidemic situation.

The article writes that returning is normal for people's common wish. We must grasp and implement prevention and control measures in a complete, comprehensive, and accurate manner, standardize operations, do not deform and do not go away.Be fully prepared to promote the continuous optimization of prevention and control measures.

The article finally wrote: "Be careful and the good achievement. Persistence is victory, and persistence will win!"

major cities in China to relax the epidemic prevention measures, Reuters quotedTwo people familiar with the matter disclosed on Monday that the Chinese government may announce new measures for 10 crown disease management on Wednesday (December 7) as early as Wednesday (December 7). It may also end the strictest control measures for nearly three years in January next year.