As China ’s domestic epidemic and the public’ s dissatisfaction with the dissatisfaction with the sealing and control, the official introduced to strengthen the vaccination plan for the elderly ’s crown disease, and required the management of the control management to“ quickly solve and solve the solution ”.The analysis believes that the new measures and official expressions have released the most clear transformation signal of epidemic prevention policy so far, indicating that China is preparing for a larger -scale infection.

The China State Council joint defense and control mechanism issued a notice on Tuesday (November 29) on strengthening the work plan for the elderly's coronary virus vaccine vaccination work plan, which requires to increase the inoculation rate of people over 80 years old and continue to increase the inoculation rate of 60 to 79 years old.Essence

According to the data disclosed at the press conference that afternoon of the afternoon of Xia Gang of the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of November 28, 86.4 % of the elderly over the age of 60 in China completed the full vaccination (two stitches destroyed (two stitches destroyed68.7 % of the live vaccine or one -needle adenovirus vector vaccine was completed to strengthen immune vaccination (additional additional agent); the entire vaccination rate of the elderly over 80 years old was 65.8 %; the impact of the immune vaccination rate was only 40.4 %.

The scheme issued on Tuesday provides six vaccine combinations, and will strengthen the time of immunity to the first dose of the vaccination, which will be shortened after the full six months after the completion of the whole process.Movement of the power of the whole society to participate in mobilizing the elderly to take vaccination.

China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Omicor's pathogenic force and toxic force obviously weakened

Chang Zhaorui, a researcher at the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, acknowledged at the press conference that the pathogenic and poisonous power of Omikon's mutant strains and its evolutionary transformation was significantly weakened compared to primitive plants and Delta.The proportion of severe illnesses and death has also been significantly reduced.

But Chang Zhaorui also emphasized that a certain proportion of severe cases may still be severe after infection with Basic diseases, age, and people who have not vaccinated Omikon.In addition to promoting vaccination work, the official will also strengthen the construction of designated hospitals to improve the ability to treat severe illnesses.

Those who added 38,421 crown diseases in mainland China on November 28. Although the previous day's 40052 returned, it was still at a high level in three years.Since last weekend, protests in Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou and other cities have successively appeared, and hundreds of people have embarked on the streets to express their dissatisfaction with strict prevention and control measures.

Cheng Youquan, the director of the State CDC, who attended the same conference, said that the recent reports that the public reports that the problem is not to prevent and control the epidemic itself, but to concentrate on the simple prevention and control measures.", Ignore the demands of the masses.Mi Feng, a spokesman for the National Health and Health Commission, emphasized that the management of seal control should be quickly solved, the solution should be solved, and the inconvenience caused by the epidemic to the masses should be reduced.

It is worth noting that no "dynamic clearing" was mentioned at the documents and press conferences on Tuesday.According to the analysis, as the epidemic continued to spread, the official statement was fine -tuned, recognizing the weakening of the virus toxicity and emphasizing that the sealing control "solved the solution" and released a clear policy steering signal.Compared with the previous optimization of 20 measures, the deployment of the elderly's vaccination plan is more detailed, which also shows that the official is prepared for the potential large -scale infection brought by the prevention and control of the prevention and control.

However, mainstream official media such as Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, and China CCTV issued a densely published on the same day, all emphasizing that it is necessary to unswervingly implement the "dynamic clear zero" general policy.The People's Daily commented reiterated that the implementation of the ninth edition of the prevention and control plan and the 20 optimization measures of Article 20 is not to relax the prevention and control of the epidemic, nor is it liberalized and "lying flat".

On the other hand, the US Embassy in China issued a statement on Monday (28th), calling for a 14 -day drug, bottle water and food supply in the United States of China to cope with the expanding epidemic prevention measures.The online document also shows that the Shanghai Huangpu District Health and Health Commission requested various units in the district to reserve epidemic prevention materials with no less than 60 days.This triggered a new round of vegetables in Shanghai. The fresh e -commerce platform Hema has shown "insufficient capacity" after 5 pm on the same day.