Mi Feng, spokesman for the National Health and Health Commission and Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department, said at a press conference at the State Council ’s joint defense joint control mechanism on Tuesday (November 29) thatThe solution should be solved to reduce the inconvenience caused by the epidemic to the masses.

According to the surging news report, the China State Council's joint prevention and control mechanism held a press conference with the theme of "implementation of prevention and control measures in detail and effectively grasping the treatment of epidemic".We are doing the epidemic prevention and control.Risk research should be made according to the test and flow results, and the risk areas must be accurately determined.The management of seal control should be quickly solved and solved to reduce the inconvenience caused by the epidemic to the masses.

Mi Feng introduced that those who are scientifically centered and treated with positive infections, properly do the treatment and care of children, elderly and patients with basic diseases, and promote the early recovery of patients.It is necessary to continue to increase the layers and respond and resolve the reasonable demands of the masses in a timely manner.It is necessary to accelerate the vaccination of coronary virus vaccination, especially the elderly vaccination.It is hoped that elderly friends will actively and complete the vaccination as soon as possible to protect their health.

The China State Council ’s joint defense and control mechanism has issued a notice on strengthening the work plan for strengthening the elderly’ s coronary virus vaccination work plan on the same day, requiring to accelerate the rate of in vacation rates over 80 years old, and continue to increase the vaccination rate of people aged 60 to 79.