Xinjiang Urumqi fire caused the people from all parts of China to gather condolence and protest, protest, protest and protest.EssenceOn the weekend just over, many college students held their hands on white paper, and the gathering incidents in Shanghai Urumqi were gathered for two consecutive days.

Hundreds of Shanghai people went to Urumqi Middle Road to mourn in the city center late at night on Saturday (November 26).On -site photos and videos show that outside Huixianju Community and Yiyuan Community at the crossroads, there are constant people who come to present flowers and lit candles. They also stand a cardboard saying "Urumqi 11.24 The deceased", mourning in NovemberResident Urumqi, who was killed in the fire on the 24th.

Zhou Qi (pseudonym), a 26 -year -old company staff member Zhou Qi (pseudonym), saw the photos from the WeChat circle of friends that night, and arrived at Urumqi Middle Road around 1 am on Sunday.She told Lianhe Zaobao that at the time, police officers had maintained order at the scene, and the crowd first only held white paper to protest silently.However, about half an hour later, more police officers came to reinforcement. Some people shouted slogans such as "freedom and human rights". During the period, they also sang several Chinese national anthem and international songs.

Zhou Qi left around 2:30 in the morning.According to her memories, the scene was still orderly at the time, but at around 4 o'clock, there were news from the chat group to send a policeman to arrest the gathers.

The guards in the middle of Urumqi Middle Road were strict. There were less than 200 meters outside Huixianju Community and Yiyuan Community. On average, police officers were stationed every 20 meters, and police and security personnel patrolled back and forth.There are no bouquets and candles at the scene.

In the afternoon of the same day, the gathering crowd again appeared again.The police pulled the warning line at both ends at 3 pm, and raised roadblocks at the cross intersection at 5 pm to block traffic.Dozens of police officers who came to reinforcement were promoted outward, and they continued to expand the scope of blockade.

From 3 pm to 7 pm, there are endless streams of people who come to support or watch. Some of them carry flowers and candles, but they are stopped outside the blockade line.The gathering crowd chorusing the Chinese national anthem several times, shouting "Don't be free for nucleic acids" and other slogans.

As the gathering staff continued to increase, several times on the scene fell into chaos, protest slogans, screams, and car horn sounds were mixed.According to the reporter's observation, the police took at least seven protesters, causing the onlookers to shout "the police officer."But as of press time that night, the police and the people had not had severe physical conflicts.

By 9 pm, the Middle Road in Urumqi, which has a total length of nearly 900 meters, has been basically empty, and the surrounding sections leading to the middle road of Urumqi are also blocked.Police disperse the crowd to the main roads intersecting.At this time, there were still many people stoping on the roadside. The police officers shouted, "Go, don't stop!" The crowd did not disperse until 10 pm.

The bouquet was taken away for "pollution environment"

Liu Ke (a pseudonym) Shanghai resident Liu Ke told this newspaper that he went to present flowers with his friends that afternoon and just put down the bouquet on the roadside.There are sanitation workers collected the bouquet away on the grounds of "pollution environment".He then witnessed the police arrested several young people who shouted slogans.

Liu Ke said that he was also worried about the riots at the scene before departure, but he still chose to support him."This fire is not only burned on Xinjiang people, but also burned on us. If Shanghai can let more people see, I am willing to speak for them."

However, there are others, but there are others, but there are others.Don't take it for the gathering of the aggregation.The owner of a shop on the roadside believes that if young people have opinions on policies, they should go to the municipal government to protest instead of "disturbing order and earning traffic" in the residential area.

Network videos show that dozens of universities in Beijing, Nanjing, Wuhan and other places have protest slogans and gathering activities on weekends.The first protest of the Nanjing Media College, a number of students held white paper protests on the campus, and shouted "Long live the people, the deceased rests in peace".

According to this newspaper, on Saturday evening, a group of students at Peking University went to the school headquarters to shout the slogan to protest.Anti -protest slogans such as nucleic acids "and other protest slogans.Students ask the school leaders to sign a commitment to ensure that they will not be punished because of this.The sprayed wall was cleaned the next day and brushed it with black paint again.

Another Chinese highest school Tsinghua University, on Sunday, there are students who protest white paper outside the school restaurant, and hundreds of people have gathered around.The students shouted "democratic rule of law, expressing freedom" and singing international songs.The protests lasted about two hours.