The fire in Xinjiang, where 10 people died, caused a new wave of public opinion tsunami.Although the cause of the official clarification of the fire is not directly related to the prevention and control of the epidemic, the public opinion is still pointing to Urumqi for more than three months.

What is the taste of being sealed at home for 100 days?Many Urumqi residents are unable to vomit.Don't say 100 days, it is difficult to stay at home for 10 days.In large cities such as Beijing, Guangzhou, and Shanghai, many residents have begun to say no to the confinement of the community.

Social media has recently circulated videos of residents protesting and controlling.A video shows that at the entrance of a community in Beijing, in the face of the gathering of residents who opposed the control, the community neighborhood committee called the police to maintain order.A policeman questioned the staff of the neighborhood committee. Is there any document in the gate of the community?The members of the neighborhood committee only said that it was an oral arrangement of the superiors. The police asked, "Do you make a verbal arrangement, why not let people go out?"

Optimized prevention and control measures based on Article 20 issued by the high -rise on November 11, the epidemic sealing should be accurate to the specific building, and there should be unsealed cases without new cases in five days.However, in Urumqi, Beijing, Chongqing and other places, once the community has a positive case of coronary disease, not only the entire community is blocked, but there are often no new cases for five days.This is still the case in large cities, and the control measures of small and medium -sized cities are even more strict, making residents miserable.

But local officials are also difficult to speak.Article 20 The first emphasis is to ensure that the epidemic does not have large -scale transmission. If strictly comply with the requirements of Article 20, the epidemic spread cannot be controlled at all.After the release of Article 20, the epidemic in Beijing, Shijiazhuang and other places rebounded quickly, which has shocked the local government.After all, under the premise of dynamic clearing, the outbreak is a big mistake. The local government is likely to be held accountable. Naturally, they dare not slack off.

This has caused contradictions that cannot be reconciled: the measures of the city or half of the city have gradually lost the foundation of public opinion, severe implementation will intensify the confrontation of officials and civilians, and even cause major group incidents;Local officials couldn't afford to eat, and they could only seal them hard.

In the early 2020s, the epidemic was outbreak in Wuhan. The official adopted urban measures and mobilized medical resources in various places to support Wuhan. China is also a cheer in "Wuhan Come on". It can be described as a city.But in 2022, the impact of Wuhan -style seafare in the economy and society has made it difficult for the public.In the first half of this year, the sealed cities in Shanghai and other places not only directly dragged down the Chinese economy, but the public's willingness to cooperate was greatly reduced.

The rigorous control measures in the first two years of the epidemic are in addition to the official social mobilization system, but also related to the characteristics of the virus.


The mobilization system can play a role. It must be effective in the cooperation of the people and the grassroots level, but also the government's financial resources and the public's accumulation.At the same time, the first generation of Crown disease Delta was more toxic, and the public was very afraid of it. He was willing to sacrifice freedom of production and life, and cooperated with the official strict control.

But now, Omikon has decreased to health hazards, decreased mortality rates, accelerated transmission speed, and increased difficulty in prevention and control.Most countries around the world have abandoned control measures and have not occurred.The Qatar World Cup football game is holding tens of thousands of people in the stadium to call a tsunami, and they cannot see the impact of the epidemic at all.Seeing Qatar's World Cup returning to the normal happy scene and comparing the dilemma of their unable to go out, the suppression of Chinese audiences is not difficult to imagine.

More importantly, the impact of severe prevention and control in the past three years on economic and public income has grown.A large number of service industries and independent employees cannot work for three days. They can only sit in the mountains and air, fall into trouble, and have grievances.At the same time, the financial resources of governments at all levels have also weakened, and finances are not educated. In some areas, even wages have become problems. Grass -roots cadres have long been exhausted, complained, and the consequences of consumption are unpredictable.

At the same time, the serious impact of long -term control on medical care, education and public psychology is also a big problem.Many medical staff are engaged in prevention and control on the front line. Normal medical order is disrupted. Many people cannot treat them in time, or they cannot go to the hospital if they are closed. Health and life loss may be greater than the epidemic spread.The majority of primary and secondary school students can only be bored at home, which is extremely unfavorable to their learning and growth.

In addition, severe sealing and control also severely damaged people's expectations for the future, causing consumption and investment downturn, leading to weak economic growth.The public was full of expectations for twenty articles, but these days of social emotions have been beaten back to the trough.

Under the strict control of layers of the places, the epidemic is still spread rapidly, and the people's resistance to strict control is growing.This shows that the strict control measures of the city or semi -sealed city have been used at the end. Between strict control and gradual liberalization, the official balance space is narrowing rapidly.If this contradiction and chaos will not be changed as soon as possible, the public will continue to lose the future expectations and trust in the official.

From the statements of mainstream media such as the People's Daily and the landlords of Beijing, Shanghai and other landlords, the official still hopes to extinguish this wave of epidemic through strengthening control measures.This is not difficult to understand, after all, the strict control measures in the first two years of the epidemic have indeed achieved results.

But the public opinion foundation of strict prevention and control has been shaken, and the epidemic prevention policy has entered a new stage of "laborious" or even "white effort". This is a major change that has not encountered in the first two years.Seeking truth from facts, advancing with the times is the magic weapon that has achieved proud achievements since the reform and opening up of the Communist Party of China. Now it is time to play a role in this magic weapon.