(Shenzhen / Shanghai / Urumqi Comprehensive News) The crown disease in mainland China has continued to be severe, and it has announced that the tightening of epidemic prevention measures to curb virus diffusion.Shanghai requires entering commercial places to hold 48 hours of kernel acid negative proof; Shenzhen restricted restaurants and closed venues of 50%.However, Urumqi, which has been closed for more than three months, relaxed epidemic prevention measures and restored public transportation services.

According to CCTV News and Xinjiang Daily, the China National Health and Health Commission reported on Sunday (November 27) that 39,506 local infections were added on Saturday in mainland China for four consecutive days.Chongqing also added a new death case, and the deceased was a 91 -year -old man.

The number of local infections in Chongqing ranks nationwide, from 8861.Other provinces with severe epidemics include 8033 Guangdong Province and 4307 Beijing; Hebei, Sichuan, Jilin, Qinghai, and Shanxi have exceeded 1,000.

The epidemic heating up has tightened the epidemic prevention measures again in many places.The Shenzhen Health and Health Commission announced on Sunday that closed places such as restaurants, entertainment venues, supermarkets, supermarkets, etc. in 10 districts must be restricted by 50%of the current;Places, including Internet cafes and cinemas.

Officials have also advocated conditions for enterprises and citizens to work for five days from Monday (November 28) for five days.Government agencies and state -owned enterprises will also arrange for staff to restrict the rotation to work to reduce the flow and gathering of personnel.83 local cases were added to Shenzhen Saturday.

Gradually unblocking in Urumqi

Following Beijing and Shenzhen's request to enter a public place to hold a nuclear acid negative certificate within 48 hours, the Shanghai official Sunday also announced that from 0:00 on Tuesday (November 29), local catering services, shopping malls, supermarkets and other publicConsumers at the place must hold a negative proof of 48 hours of kernel acidic acid.Shanghai added 130 local cases on Saturday.

However, after the event of mourning Urumqi fire in Xinjiang's capital in many places in China, and a clustering activity that protests the official sealing measures, the Urumqi city government announced on Saturday that it will gradually unblock low -risk areas on Saturday.Gradually restore public transportation such as railway, civil aviation and buses, and taxis.The city will also gradually restore business activities related to the lives of the low -risk areas.Xinjiang increased nearly a thousand local cases on Saturday.

The People's Daily of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China posted a post on Sunday that China insisted on dynamic dynamics and stirring, and stated that its prevention and control policy could stand the historical test.The article pointed out that protecting the safety of people's lives and physical health is the primary consideration of China's formulation of epidemic prevention and control policies, and it is also the primary criterion for measuring the effectiveness of the prevention and control of the epidemic.