China has promulgated the optimization prevention and control measures in China for less than two weeksNew cases in a single day have continued to rise, including the capital Beijing and other places to tighten measures to impact people's lives.

The epidemic is not extinguished, which leads to the tightening of prevention and control.

A article entitled ten questions on Tuesday (November 22) was issued by the WeChat public account "Chang'an Class", which soon reached 100,000 views and caused a heated discussion.After the article was deleted, the public account was also named.Many netizens on the social media platform avoided review by screenshots, but it is said that many pictures are also hung up.

According to reports, most netizens have left a message in the comment area that this article "is difficult to dislike and not like it."Some netizens said that his circle of friends reposted the "ten questions" collectively, seeing that the public account was blocked, and then collectively posted a screenshot of "Ten Questions" ... and said that "everyone hasn't played it for a long time."

Ten Questions mainly raised ten questions about the Chinese Health and Health Commission on the scientific level and epidemic prevention policy, including vaccine protection, the significance of nucleic acid detection, and the mortality rate of Omikon.

Ten questions

Ask the working scope of the Health and Health Committee, how many people did the Health and Health Commission handle the layers of prevention of grass -roots epidemic prevention?Does the Health Commission think it is appropriate for the sealing control of Tibet and other places in Xinjiang this year?"

Is there any influenza virus generated in history by human beings? If not, why can it eliminate the coronary virus disease? If it can't be eliminated, what price should be paid to be seen in order to touch one cannot be seen.The virus is clear? How much use is a round of nucleic acid detection in a round of nucleic acid?

Most people have made more than three doses of domestic vaccines. Why is it still infected? Is there a vaccine??

Compared with other influenza viruses, the death rate of Omikon is low or high? How many people did Omikon die?

Five questions targeted at the five questions targetingWhat is the criteria for lift management and control? If there is no objective scientific standard, is it necessary to keep controlling it?

Six questions about the three recent deaths in Beijing are all old -age cases in bed,How did they be infected? Is it possible to show positive nucleic acid detection as long as the flu? If so, what is the significance of nucleic acid detection?

What is the basis for the decision -making basis for the decision -making of the prevention and control policy.Is it data, a model, or speculation? Experts such as Zhong Nanshan, Zhang Wenhong, Zhang Boli have said that Omikhon's toxicity is very low, why should we control a fatal disease?

Eight EightAsk Hong Kong, which is much higher than the mainland in the mainland, has never been tested by full -member nucleic acid, and has been released for a few months. It is currently normal in Hong Kong society. Is there a medical crowding in Hong Kong? Why has no medical extrusion in Hong Kong?The mainland is so worried about the so -called medical extrusion?

Nine asking more than 120 countries in the world has not been controlled. Does the health of these countries hurt? Are they all living normally?The Qatar World Cup has opened, and the fans at the scene did not see who wearing a mask. Isn't they a planet with the Chinese?

Why not go to India, which is similar to their national conditions, and does not learn Nigeria.Statistics in the United States all day, what is the practical significance of Chinese epidemic prevention?

Shiwen starts from the perspective of ordinary citizens, and expresses the confusion in the hearts of people with emotional text, which causes the confusion in the hearts of people, which instantly causes extremely.Honesty. Some netizens even sent an eleventh question to the official: "Why do you delete ten questions?"

Ten issues can be summarized into several levels. The first question involves administrative work and questioned that the Health Commission did not perform good duties; the second to seventh question is scientific and technical issues, eighth to the eighth to the eighth toThe tenth question is compared with the situation of other countries and regions. It has a very intuitive sense of picture.

Especially the World Cup is playing hot in Qatar. The question of Shiwen can impact the senses: "Live fans at the scene fans at the sceneI did n’t see who wearing a mask or I heard that it depends on the test of nucleic acid testing. Is n’t they a planet with the Chinese?Does the virus hurt them?"

The author must not agree with the dynamic clearing policy. It may be the way to" make up the layers "and" one -size -fits -all "methods that make people disgusted.Dirifying, the author is particularly annoying about the frequent nucleic acid detection under the dynamic clearing policy. Among the ten questions, there are four questions around the nucleic acid detection, which directly or indirectly reveal the doubt about the detection of nucleic acid.

Policy is loosened to make some people difficult for some people to follow

But the problem is that after a long time of strict management, once the policy is loosened, it will be allowedIt is difficult for citizens to be able to follow.

Taking Shijiazhuang as an example, after the Chinese State Council promulgated the "20" optimization prevention and control measures on the 11th, Shijiazhuang officially closed the nucleic acid detection station next to many streets from the 14th.The iron gates of each community that are locked for a week, with actual action response 20.

But after liberalization, some citizens of Shijiazhuang became anxious.24 -hour nucleic acid negative proof, as a result, the hospital's self -fee nucleic acid inspection office was a long queue. One day later, the epidemic prevention headquarters announced the re -opening public nucleic acid testing point.

There was both the chaos of policy contradictions and the public behindThe uneasy of optimizing the prevention and control of the "lying" and the "lying", even the flowers of the flowers have become hot -selling products. The public is very entangled.After relaxing, you are worried about infection.

How high the mortality rate of the virus?

In the ten questions, the two key questions that should be paid attention to is: how high is Omikon's mortality rate?How effective is China's domestic vaccine?

After optimizing prevention and control policies, cases will definitely increase. However, the data to be concerned should not be the number of new cases in a single day, but a case of severe illnesses.The number of cases of cases and frequent adjustment of epidemic prevention measures will form an endless harvesting and release, which makes people more difficult to compliance.

According to, reposting the medical food reference monthly article, it is calledAs of 9 am on November 22, the number of diagnosis in China reached 22,606, which was more than seven times that of 3,179 people on October 23rd 60 days ago.8047 people, more than 27 times that of 1028 people 60 days ago.

The above article also states that according to statistics, the number of deaths per million people per million in China in the epidemic is only four.'s manuscript on the 20th also pointed out that after the issuance of Article 20 of the epidemic prevention, the number of new infections in China exceeded 20,000 consecutive days, but most of them were asymptomatic.95 people.Beijing reported the first case of death since June this year.The 87 -year -old man died due to the deterioration of basic diseases.

The article pointed out that the current data of China show that the probability of severe illness after infection is very low, which is simply "low to dust."In addition, as the author pointed out, experts such as Zhong Nanshan, Zhang Wenhong, and Zhang Boli have also said that Omikon's toxicity is very low.

Zhang Boli said in an interview with the media on November 17"After Omikon became the mainstream strain, it has been mutating, and its disease has weakened, but infectious enhancement."

Is the vaccine useful?

After the pathogenic force of the virus has weakened, there is still no significant loosening. The next key question is: how high is the vaccine rate and the protection and effectiveness of the vaccine?

The National Health and Health Commission of China announced on July 23 that 89.6%of them over 60 were at least one needle, 84.7%of the two stitches, and 67.3%of three stitches.Zeng Yixin, deputy director of the National Health and Health Commission, emphasized at the time that the elderly had more basic diseases and relatively weak immune function. They needed the third needle to get the best protection.

People over 60 years of age have less than 70 % of them. Before this percentage is increased, epidemic prevention measures may be difficult to loosen sharply, because with sufficient vaccine protection, the mortality rate can be reduced.

Jin Dongyan, a professor at the School of Biomedicine, the School of Biomedicine, the University of Hong Kong, pointed out in an interview with Pengbai News that after Hong Kong took two stitches, three -needle or four -needle vaccine, the severe rate of the infected person wasBetween 0.02%and 0.13%, the severe rate of severe influenza is similar or lower, so the mortality rate must be greatly reduced after vaccine.

Today (23rd) an article entitled an answer entitled to the "ten questions" entitled "Ten Questions" of the epidemic prevention, while responding to the ten questions, it also made several suggestions.Most elderly people should be hit for vaccines, and they can also be played. "

The article says that from the current situation, for most elderly people, even if there are basic diseases, you can get after the vaccine can be obtainedImmune protection is much larger than the side effects that may be generated.

For vaccination points, citizens vaccinated the "inhalation" vaccine on November 16.(China News Agency)

Throughout the above, gradually retire from the dynamic clearing zero. In addition to optimizing measures, reducing the rude practices of "layers of layers" and "one knife and cut", Chinese officials must strengthen public opinion.Propaganda and vaccine vaccination.The first is to guide the people's psychological expectations. Do not take the infection of crown disease as the end of the world, and no longer pay close attention to the new confirmed cases. The second is to promote the vaccination of three stitches for vaccination, especially the elderly.

The author signed the signed Uncle Ming talk about the answer to the "ten questions" of the epidemic prevention. Once the second -generation vaccine is listed, the earliest time to the spring and summer of next year, with the large -scale vaccine of the second -generation vaccine.The vaccination is the time when the epidemic is gradually diminished and the Chinese society is gradually liberalized.

The ten questions are not clearly asked, is the epidemic prevention in China a scientific question or a political issue?If resistance is not a political issue, the superiority of the maintenance system is not related, and it is purely a scientific issue, under the pressure of economic downturn, each country will eventually usher in a day of liberalization.However, the last stage of dawn may be relatively long and difficult in some countries.