The Bank of China consultants predict that if China's economy can get rid of the impact of the crown disease, the economic growth rate is expected to reach this year's economic growth rate is expected to reach3.5%, may exceed 5%next year.Not Comprehensive Bloomberg and Hong Kong Radio website reported that Wang Yiming, deputy director of the China International Economic Exchange Center, spoke at a meeting on Wednesday (November 23) at a meeting held at the Hong Kong Monetary and Financial Research Center.Not He said that China has the conditions to achieve at least 5%of economic growth in 2023. Since August this year, the government has recently introduced measures, including "Optimizing 20 Epidemic Prevention and Control" and "16 Real Estate Finance Articles".And the introduction of policies to promote the economic development of the platform are all factor that is conducive to China's economic growth. China's main economic indicators also continue to recover.Not He believes that if China's economy can continue to recover this quarter, the annual economic growth rate is expected to reach about 3.5%.If China can gradually get rid of the impact of the crown disease next year, and the policy effectively plays, > At the same time, increase reform and opening up Span> The base growth rate this year is low, and the forecast of economic growth next year can reach more than 5%.Not But he also believes that China's recovery momentum is still weak and has not returned to a reasonable range.The existing short -term policy goals must ensure that the economy is recovered. strive to achieve the best results this year, otherwise the economic growth continues to be lower than the potential growth rate, which may have a serious medium and long -term impact.Not Bloomberg reports that Wang Yiming's prediction echo the views of other economic analysts.The economic analyst interviewed by Bloomberg expects that China's GDP will increase by 3.3%this year, below 5%next year, and proposes to pay attention to the risk of continuous economic recovery.Not In addition, Wang Yiming also mentioned that with the adjustment of the policy, real estate investment is expected to rise next year. It is believed that the growth rate of infrastructure investment may remain similar to this year.However, the risk of the current decline in major economies has increased. The contribution of foreign trade exports to China GDP may be less than this year, which makes it particularly urgent to restore internal consumption demand.He expects that the central government may increase the deficit rate appropriately next year to maintain the stable scale of local debt.Not Wang Yiming also said that the risk of decline in major economies has risen, and foreign trade exports may contribute to China's GDP next year than this year, making it particularly urgent to restore the internal consumption demand.Not Wang Yiming said that the Fed's tightening pace this year has brought capital outflow pressure on China. Therefore, the Chinese government should raise the 2023 budget deficit target and optimize the debt structure of local government.He also advocates structural reforms, such as providing better public welfare plans to cope with long -term challenges such as population aging.