Article 20 Optimized measures Ten days later, on the afternoon of November 21, the State Council's epidemic control joint control mechanism comprehensive group issued four documents to implement nucleic acid testing, risk regulations and control, home isolation and home home after policy adjustment, home isolation and control.Detailed guidelines have been formulated in four aspects of health monitoring.

These guidelines are basically integrated, summarized the contents of the ninth edition of the prevention and control plan and Article 20, and further clarified how to carry out key issues such as normalized nucleic acid, high -risk zone downgrade, and home isolation objects.Policy basis.

At the press conference of the State Council's joint prevention and control mechanism held on November 17, Shen Hongbing, deputy director of the State CDC, proposed the overall epidemic prevention goal after policy adjustment: the key risks of the control should be controlled, and the prevention and control measures to be implemented must be falling.To implement it, the cancellation should be resolutely canceled, and the limited prevention and control resources should be used in the most important prevention and control work, protecting the safety of people's lives and health to the greatest extent, and minimizing the impact of the normal production and living order of the people.

According to data from the National Health and Health Commission, at 0 to 24:00 on November 21, 31 provinces (autonomous regions, cities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 2145 new local diagnosis cases, and 2,5754 local infected infections were reported.It exceeded 20,000 for seven consecutive days.At present, the epidemic situation in Guangdong, Chongqing, Henan, Gansu, Beijing and other places is relatively severe and is still in the rise.

A data expert who has long -term monitoring of the new crown epidemic trend pointed out to China News Weekly that by mid -December, the national epidemic will be in a platform period. This winter and winter may occur with double overlapping of new crowns and influenza.EssenceJudging from the current situation, an infected person can infect 5 to 6 people every 4 days, and we must still be alert to the super communicators that may appear in some high -dense places.

How to layout nucleic acid sampling points?

After the release of Article 20, repeatedly appeared on the settings of the nucleic acid detection point, and many of the test points were withdrawn in some places.

A person from a local illness and control center explained to China News Weekly that this kind of swing and repeated behind reflects the misalignment between local nucleic acid testing and demand.The demand is still there, but the supply decreases after the nucleic acid dot is abolished.

Regarding the relevant requirements of inspection of nuclear acids in public places, at the press conference of the State Council ’s joint defense and control mechanism on November 17, Shen Hongbing pointed out that cross -regional mobile personnel need to take 48 hours nucleic acid negative aircraft, high -speed rail, etc., staying in hotels, hotels, and entering tourist scenic spots.Personnel need to check the health code and 72 -hour nucleic acid.

Since the release of Article 20, with the rise in the number of outbreaks in some provinces and cities, many regions have further tightened the requirements for nucleic acid inspection requirements, and the requirements for nucleic acids in shopping malls, supermarkets, office buildings and other places have changed from 72 hours to 24 hours.

At 8 o'clock on November 20th, Zengcheng District, Guangzhou, issued a notice for the first time since the epidemic of the epidemic. From November 21st, the whole district has suspended food in the entire district.The personnel entry and exit, the farmer's market, and the community must use the 48 -hour nucleic acid negative proof.

At the press conference of the State Council's joint control mechanism on November 17, some reporters asked: In the case of not conducting full -time nucleic acid testing, but still checking the results of nuclear acid testing, there are many people in many places.How to alleviate the contradiction between supply and demand of nucleic acid detection?

Guo Yanhong, director of the Medical Emergency Department of the National Health and Health Commission, said that the layout of nucleic acid testing points is actually a arrangement of the prevention and control of normalized epidemic. It is the arrangement of facilitation of inspection and inspection.The sampling point should cover the service population in the area; according to the needs of different groups, the peaks provide sampling services; for communities and places with large population density and high traffic, through the addition of sampling points and increase sampling personnel, expand the sampling sampling.Supply of service.

On the other hand, Shen Hongbing, deputy director of the State CDC, pointed out at a press conference on the 17th that when a region without epidemic conducts normalized nucleic acid testing, only the risk positions and key personnel are required to conduct nucleic acid testing.Full nucleic acid testing is not carried out according to the administrative area.

According to the latest implementation of the new crown pneumonia epidemic on the 21st on the 21st, the implementation measures for the prevention and control nucleic acid testing of nucleic acids are specifically concerned. This type of inspection is mainly included in two categories: one is high -risk groups, such as medical staff, cross -border transportation tools, cleaning, Customs personnel, centralized isolation venues, etc., require 1 nucleic acid testing once a day.The other is the key groups of strong liquidity, such as express delivery, takeaway, hotel staff, decoration and unloading workers, etc., require 2 nucleic acid tests a week.

In addition, for key places such as schools, nursing homes, factories, hospitals, etc., it is also necessary to do a good job of normalized nucleic acid testing, that is, after a local epidemic in the area of the jurisdiction should be organized in a timely manner.Results and the risk of the spread of epidemic are performed at least 20%of the daily sampling ratio or the test requirements of the area under the jurisdiction.

A public health expert who does not want to be named to China News Weekly pointed out that in the setting of nucleic acid dots, it is a question of optimization of resource optimization. It is more essentially how to carry out normalized nucleic acids. The goal is to reduce the scope of nucleic acid detection as much as possibleOn the basis of reducing the frequency and ensuring effective and precise monitoring of the epidemic.For example, in non -epidemic areas, if the future nucleic acid sampling is only for high -risk people and key groups, it is necessary to set the sampling point in each community. If it is reduced, what density should be deployed.

The aforementioned local illness and control persons believe that there are only limited adjustments on the issues such as how many nucleic acid dots and how to adjust the cloth points in various places. After that, they have slowly explored in practice and evaluate how much nucleic acid spots are reserved according to their needs.And this will be a dynamic adjustment process. It may be collected, put in one, if not enough to add a few.

How to accurately organize nucleic acid detection?

At the beginning of Article 20, several experts believe that the most reduced burden on the primary level of epidemic prevention is the first clearly stated that generally do not conduct a total nucleic acid testing of the staff according to the administrative area, only in the source of infection and dissemination chain, the community transmission time is comparedThe long -term epidemic has the bottom of the epidemic.

Experts point out that this correction is justified.On the one hand, it is difficult to support the round of full -staff nucleic acids in many places in many places. Recently, it has been proven to charging nucleic acid in many places. On the other hand, with the popularization of normally in the past period,Nucleic acid testing has actually been invalidated or even invalid.

However, with the recent significant large -scale clustering epidemic in many places across the country, the prevention and control situation in various places has gradually become severe and complicated, and a new round of regional nucleic acid has been re -opened.

Due to the severe epidemic situation, the six districts of Guangzhou have recently announced the testing of full -member nucleic acid testing.On November 12, Chongqing announced that it would conduct a whole nucleic acid test in the central urban area. It was implemented for 1 day and 1 test.

On November 12, the county -level city -level city -level city -level city -level city -level city -level city -level city -level city -level city -level city -level city -level tested was found positive personnel.From 00:00 on November 13th, a three -day temporary silence will be implemented in the whole region: all urban and rural residents (except for the epidemic prevention and control, emergency, medical care, and protection industry personnel) must not go out other than regional nucleic acid testing.As of the 14th, I found 3 positive personnel in Tieli City. As of the 21st, 16 positive personnel had been found.

According to the latest release of the new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention and control nucleic acid test implementation measures, cities and cities above millions of people and general cities, if there are unclear chains, many risk places and risk personnel, the liquidity of risk personnel is large, the epidemic has spreadWhen risks, you must carry out all -staff nucleic acid testing once a day. After 3 consecutive nucleic acid testing without social infection, you will conduct a full -time nucleic acid test for 3 days. Those who have no social infection can stop the total nucleic acid detection.Moreover, the scope of the development of nucleic acids is limited to the area of the epidemic.<<<

The aforementioned local illness and control persons pointed out that according to policy requirements, the premise of not having to carry out all -employed nucleic acids is that the local epidemic dissemination chain is clear and can trace the source in time, which is directly related to the local flow ability.However, in fact, the levels of flow, virus tracking and traceability in various places are very different. For general medium cities, especially for some counties that lack the ability of flow tone, in the face of Omikon's spreadQuickly find out the spread chain and find the source. As a result, it is likely that there is a social communication, more flowers, and have to restart all the nucleic acids of the area.

She also pointed out that after 20 articles no longer determine the sub -connection, it can reduce the pressure of grassroots flow to a certain extent, but when the large -scale epidemic outbreaks, the daily confirmed patients and their secrets are constantly rising.In the case of, it is still a lot of pressure. The problem of grassroots is not only lacking, but also lacks professional tunes.

Shen Hongbing pointed out that nucleic acid testing is an important means of early discovery of the epidemic. It is an important prerequisite for evaluating the risk of epidemic and taking measures to prevent the spread of the epidemic.Based on the risk of epidemic, scientific and precisely organize nucleic acid testing scientific and precise organizations. It can neither add layers or reduce the code at will.

Advance accuracy or further improvement

Article 20 Optimized policies, in addition to the restrictions on all -staff nucleic acids, there are two more adjustments on the impact on the effects of epidemic prevention: one is no longer determining the secondary secret; the other is to re -define the risk zone and cancel the middle China.The risk area has reduced the scope of high -risk zones and changed from a community to a unit and a building.

The aforementioned local illness and control persons said that in the risk zone delineation, it used to be a face before, and now it is a point. The accuracy of the sealing control has increased.The risk point of trajectory, living and working habits, and exposure requires professional research and judgment. The ultimate test is still at the grassroots level.

She said: Recently, a supervision team of the National Health and Health Commission proposed that the scope of the sealing control may be further reduced in the future, and it is no longer a unit, and it can even be reduced to the upper, lower, left and right neighbors of the infected person.Essence

It is worth noting that in the latest release of the new crown pneumonia epidemic risk zone on November 21 (hereinafter referred to as a plan), a patch on the downgrade of the high -risk zone was pierced.

Article 20 Measures stipulate that those who have not found new infections for 5 consecutive days of high risk areas have been reduced to low -risk areas.However, the plan was further clarified: the high -risk zone was not found to be newly infected for 5 consecutive days, and all personnel in the risk area on the 5th day of the risk area completed a round of nucleic acid screening are negative and reduced to a low risk zone.Experts point out that this is to prevent some places from cutting and littering, which is equivalent to setting up a valve.

The new crown pneumonia epidemic on November 21 has further clarified that the home isolation objects include the following categories: the special group of the close contact, the close contact after the relocation of the centralized isolation, the entry personnel, the high -risk zone, the high -risk areaPersons with overflowing personnel and other professionals who are not concentrated in observation of medical observation.

Since the release of Article 20, due to the transition from concentrated isolation to home isolation because of the secondary segregation and high -risk zones overflowing personnel, the prevention and control pressure of the community has increased.Come to challenge.Few people used to be isolated at home before, and now they have to be home except for close connection.The aforementioned disease control person said with emotion.

A viralist pointed out to China News Weekly that home isolation needs to meet certain conditions, such as a separate room, not shared with people with non -residents, and the family area must not be too small.People and other.The community needs to investigate whether the isolated person meets the conditions of the home and provides detailed mission guidance for home isolation life, such as how to eliminate the disinfecting room after using the toilet, how the family members do not contact them.

However, the aforementioned illness and control persons revealed that because there are too many people who need to be isolated at home in the short term, it is difficult for the community to have the energy to evaluate all the family environment, and then classify and dispose. As far as I know, most of the people in the current home are in terms of materials.For self -reliance, many family members do not avoid it in the isolation period.

Another expert close to the Beijing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealed to China News Weekly that home isolation is very stressful to medical staff because they need to come to the door for nucleic acid.Many experts suggest that they can be supplemented by antigen detection during home isolation, which requires testing nucleic acids to self -test the antigen daily and report the results.

Author: Huosi