Lu Xi, assistant professor of the School of Public Policy, Li Guangyao, Singapore National University, was analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post. Due to the unclear distribution of government responsibilities between different regions and levels, it was easy to amplify the superior instructions.As a result, the prevention and control is either too loose or too tight, which has greatly reduced the efficiency of the "20" execution.

China has released 20 measures to optimize prevention and control.Mi Feng, a spokesman for the National Health and Health Commission of China on Thursday (November 17), emphasized that it is necessary to prevent the tendency to prevent "one" and "one release".

The press conference of the Chinese State Council joint defense and control mechanism held the theme of "No Trusted, Scientific and Precise Implementation of Optimization of Epidemic Prevention and Control".Mi Feng pointed out that it is necessary to fully, comprehensively, and accurately understand and grasp the measurement of optimizing prevention and control work deployment, and resolutely oppose the two tendencies. We must continue to improve the layers to prevent "one block", but also oppose irresponsible attitudes., Prevent "one to put it."

China Wednesday (November 16) has exceeded 23,000 new local crown diseases in a single day, which is the highest since April this year, mainly concentrated in the two major cities, Guangzhou and Chongqing.The newly added infection of Guangzhou on Wednesday set a new high of 9,675 cases, and the Chongqing infected people also rose to 4,072 records.

Guo Yanhong, director of the Medical Emergency Department of the National Health and Health Commission, introduced at a press conference that since the epidemic, China has continued to strengthen the construction of designated hospitals, squares hospitals and popular kidney kidney.(ICU) The bed should reach 10 % of the total number of beds in the designated hospital.

Although China's epidemic continues to heat up, after the "20 epidemic prevention" was introduced last week, various localities have adjusted epidemic prevention measures.During the suspension of nucleic acid screening in many places, when Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, even increased by hundreds of infected people, it was announced that it would no longer check the rhodole and enter public places.However, some areas will no longer be required to be directly determined by the "sub -secret" that is not required.

Shen Hongbing, deputy director of the State CDC and director of the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who attended the press conference, clearly pointed out that only when the clustering epidemic occurs in the future, only the close personnel will be separated.It is directly determined by the secret connection as "I don't think it is necessary."

For nucleic acid testing, Shen Hongbing said that "neither can be added layer or minus the code at will."He introduced that cross -regional mobile personnel must use 48 -hour kernel acidic acid to prove a transportation, high -speed rail, train and other transportation, and check the health code and 72 -hour kernel acid test negative proof when they stay in hotels and hotels and enter tourist scenic spots.Special groups such as infants and young children under the age of 3 can avoid checking nucleic acid certificates.

Xinhua News Agency issued a message to answer the new measures

Chinese official media Xinhua News Agency issued 20 optimization measures on Thursday, one of the hot Q & A, and further clarified the new version of the measures.

The article quotes the relevant experts of the State Council ’s joint prevention and control mechanism that the relevant experts of the State Council says that the control time of the controlling personnel should start with the time of the last exposure, not the time to track the dense;It needs "three days and two inspections".

However, officials reiterated in the press conference and articles that optimizing and adjusting epidemic prevention measures is not to relax prevention and control, nor is it to let go and lie flat, but to further improve the scientific and accuracy of prevention and control.

The People's Daily published a comment on the same day, emphasizing that the resistance should "calculate the big account and calculate the general account", and pointed out that China has sufficient advantages to achieve dynamic clearance.This is the fifth time that the People's Daily published a comment on "Zhongyin", emphasizing that it is necessary to unswervingly implement the "dynamic clear zero" general policy.

Lu Xi, assistant professor of the School of Public Policy, Singapore National University, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that although the decision -making layer adjusted the epidemic prevention measures, due to the unclear distribution of government responsibilities between different regions and levels, all parties were trying to clarify power and power and power andIn the process of responsibility, it is easy to magnify the instructions of the superiors, resulting in either premium or too tight prevention and control, which has greatly reduced the "20" execution efficiency.

Lu Xi believes that "20" is a negative list listed on the highest level, but local governments now need a clear and transparent standard operating program (SOP)."When they execute according to the steps, they can avoid being held accountable, so that they can fundamentally stimulate the enthusiasm of local adjustment policies."