(Nusha Duwa Composite Electric) Chinese officials held bilateral talks with leaders of many countries such as South Korea, Australia, and France, respectively while attending the Stocks of the 20th Guo Group (G20) summit.

South Korean President Yin Xiyue and Chinese official talks on Tuesday (November 15), he expressed concern about North Korea's provocative upgrade of nuclear and missile at North Korea at an unprecedented speed.He called on China to play a greater role in curbing North Korea's provocations.

In this regard, Chinese officials say that the two countries have common interests on the Korean Peninsula issue and hope that South Korea will actively improve their relations with North Korea.

This is the first time Yin Xiyue met with Chinese officials after coming to power. The two talked about 25 minutes.In addition to the North Korean issue, they also agreed to accelerate the negotiations of the bilateral free trade agreement.Chinese officials said that China hopes to deepen cooperation with South Korea in high -tech manufacturing and other fields.

Chinese officials held more than 30 minutes of talks with Australian Prime Minister Albanis on the same day, which is the first meeting from China -Australia's leaders since 2016.Both leaders hinted that they intentionally put on the differences in the years and seek cooperation.

The Albanis meeting told reporters that he discussed trade, consular and human rights issues with Chinese officials, and agreed to the "highly complement" economy of the two countries."Australia seeks to establish a stable relationship with China. We have huge differences, but as long as we have dialogue and constructive and frank exchanges, the relationship between the two countries will become better."

Chinese officials say that there is never a fundamental conflict between China and Australia, and the potential for economic and trade cooperation between the two parties is great.

French President Macron and Chinese official talks are nearly an hour.After the Macron meeting, he urged Chinese officials to bring Russia to the negotiating table that ended Russia and Ukraine, and stated that China and France should unite in response to the international crisis such as the Russian and Ukraine war.

Chinese officials did not mention the war, they just called on the spirit of Sino -French and China -Europe to adhere to independence and open cooperation, promote bilateral relations to stable on the correct track, and inject stability and positive energy into the world.

Chinese official talks with the Dutch Prime Minister Lutter also said that countries should cooperate with each other and should not seek decoupling.The United States is under pressure to the Netherlands, and it is necessary to sell high -end chips to China.

This is the second visit to China since the outbreak of the crown disease, and leaders of many countries have strived to meet him.Shi Yinhong, a professor of international relations at Renmin University of China, believes that many official Chinese meetings are an important step in the reduction of different differences with the differences between Beijing.