A new round of outbreaks in many places in China. Most of the infected people are mild. Experts suggest optimize measures and do not blindly increase the cost of resistance.

According to the First Financial Report, since late October, the local epidemic in Guangzhou, Fuzhou, Chongqing and other places has evolved from the more local epidemic situation and the faster dissemination.Caused by branches, but the number of people infected with crown diseases in the daily increase fluctuates, the symptoms of infected people are mild.Taking Fuzhou as an example, according to the press conference of the Fuzhou epidemic prevention and control work on October 30, in the city's this round of local epidemic, more than 99%of infected people are asymptomatic patients and have no severe patients.

The latest statistics of the National Health and Health Commission of China show that as of 24:00 on November 9, there are 9,155 existing confirmed cases in mainland China, of which 31 are in severe cases.

Jiang Qingwu, a professor at the School of Public Health of Fudan University, said that from the current point of view, the crown disease and mortality of the disease have been very low, and the Poison of Omircor has not changed significantly.OK, don't blindly increase the cost of resistance.

"Promoting the need for epidemic prevention and control requires science and precision, to achieve the goal of" high -efficiency coordination of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development ". In the future, more limited medical resources should be tested from new crown testing.Liberation, investing in the diagnosis and treatment of new crown -infected infections. "Jiang Qing said five.

Jin Dongyan, a professor at the School of Biomedicine and virus experts at the School of Biomedicine of the University of Hong Kong, also proposed that "At present, the toxicity of the new crown virus has weakened and is continuing to be weakened. According to the real world data, in Mainland China, in many places in China, Hong Kong, Singapore, etc.Multi -nations, more than 99%of new -crowned patients are mainly mild and asymptomatic, with low treatment difficulty. "He said that at the moment, Mainland China can consider improving the layered crown disease diagnosis and treatment system while adhering to public health prevention measures.

The so -called "stratified diversion", Jin Dongyan explained that it is necessary to better allocate and use medical resources to improve the relevant measures of the centralized isolation point and the hospital for the treatment of crown diseases.For mild patients who are asymptomatic infected, can heal themselves and have no age risk factors such as age or chronic diseases, even those who can be treated with crown disease and oral medicine are older but physical health is diagnosed with mild patients.Can be further optimized.Given the crown disease below 1 % or even 0.5 %, there are not many patients who are expected to be referred to be cured, and it will not bring the phenomenon of medical resource crowding.

Jin Dongyan also said that the probability of children's crown disease is very low. It is not recommended to occupy hospital resources for the isolation and treatment of such groups.Hospital resources, especially the hospital's negative pressure bed, should be left to the intensive patients, especially the elderly or in severe patients with basic diseases.

For the elderly who are suffering from mild, Jin Dongyan believes that on the one hand, it is necessary to improve the availability of antiviral drugs; on the other hand, if the medical resources of local squares are limitedThe elderly and disabled people who have special needs in life need to consider whether they can return the diagnosis to such people to return home to obtain more fine care.If you want to be separated from such people, you must be properly reconstructed according to their needs.In addition, if a crown disease epidemic occurs in the nursing home, you can refer to the experience of Hong Kong to carry out "reverse isolation", that is, a closed loop of management in the nursing home.

Chang Rongshan, an expert in Chinese virus, also proposed that in order to control the epidemic at the level that does not cause medical resource crowding, it is necessary to let the patient diagnosed patients take medicine as soon as possible.In addition, in order to further balance economic development and epidemic protection, he also suggested to optimize the management method of asymptomatic infected people."After the epidemic occurs, it should first determine the scope of the minimum degree of sealing. This can better avoid social panic caused by excessive seal control, and it is also the meaning of implementing the question of" precise prevention and control "."