

Northern Remember

Three years after the epidemic, the international high -level diplomacy that was pressed for a period of time was fully recovered.In the next ten days, leaders of many countries in the world will gather in Asia for many days to attend a series of important diplomatic and economic conferences.The hosts of multiple summits are Cambodia, Indonesia, and Thailand, all of which are all Asians.

First of all, the 40s and 41st Asian Summit and the East Asian Summit of the 40th and 41st Asian Summit opened on Friday (11th).According to the convention of China, the Prime Minister Li Keqiang went to the meeting. This is also the first foreign visit of Li Keqiang for three years.The US President Biden, who has just been elected in the election, will also fly to the Phnom Penh. After visiting Japan and South Korea in May, the US President has come to Asia this year.

The highlight of the

Summit's "Classic Artillery" is undoubtedly the 20th G20 (G20) summit opened in Bali, Indonesia next Tuesday (15th).The G20 consisting of 19 major economies and EU, including the United States, China,, Germany and India, represents more than 80%of the world's economic output value, about 75%of trade volume and 60%of the population.After the start of the war in Russia in February this year, the world's important heads of state faced meetings, especially the Sino -US leaders will attend the meeting in person, which greatly increases the weight of the Bali G20.This is also the second foreign visit since the outbreak of China's official epidemic.

Indonesia sets the theme of the G20 as "a common recovery and a stronger recovery", with global sanitary infrastructure, digital transformation and energy transformation as a priority topic.talk.However, the major topics hanging in the hearts of all leaders are probably the global inflation and economic recovery, the possibility of Russia's use of nuclear weapons, and international energy security.

Under the circumstances of the world's increasingly divided, large -scale conferences are often difficult to obtain consensus. Therefore, what bilateral talks on the sidelines and bilateral talks are the larger focus.

The Sino -US dollar "Xi -worship", which has attracted much attention, is expected to appear in Bali Island.Since Bynden took office, although Xi Bai has passed several telephones and video, face -to -face talks will be the first time.

Bynden Gang's press conference in the United States issued the agenda: including discussing the "red line" of each other with Chinese officials.Nuclear military quantity and position, fair trade, etc.The United States' high -profile intervention in cross -strait affairs is obviously not what Beijing is happy, so it is difficult to imagine what specific results can be achieved in both parties.However, if they do n’t see each other, they are a big deal.Therefore, the Xi -worship in G20 is still worth holding.

Another highlight of the G20 Bali Island is whether Chinese officials interact with Ukraine. For example, talk to Ukrainian President Zeisky Video?

Russia is a member of G20, but President Putin will not attend the G20 in person; Ukraine is not a member of the G20, but Lian Sky may attend the video.This is the clever balanced diplomacy of Indonesia in the host country. In the invasion of Ukraine in Russia or in Russia, Indonesia knows whether Putin's arrival will be a fierce dispute over Western countries.The condition of the Kida Kaishi "with other (Putin) without me", Putin did not appear, and Zelei Sky's video participation had space.

In fact, Zelei Sky has repeatedly shouted, asking Chinese officials to talk to him and help Ukraine.In September this year, he also complained in an interview with the French media that before the war, Kiev and Beijing had communication channels. Now he and China's official call "difficult". Zelei Sky also criticized China on the issue of invasion of Ukraine in Russia.The attitude is ambiguous.

Sure enough, Ukraine and China have been strategic partners as early as 2011, and Xi Ze also spoke in July 2021.However, Chinese diplomats announced that the relationship with Russia was "not capped", which caused China to be passive after the war was launched in Russia.With the evolution of the situation, will China adjust the distance between Russia and Ukraine, and release some signals by G20?This is much attention.

Biden said at the aforementioned press conference that he did not think that China had a great respect for Russia or Putin, but kept some distance from Russia.Whether this is just the imagination of Biden, or the truth, everyone can be tested soon.

After the

G20 is over, the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization (APEC) Summit will appear in Bangkok from 18th to 19th from 18th to 19th. Chinese officials will attend the meeting in person. The United States will be participated by Vice President Harris. This is the first physical meeting of APEC since 2018.Essence

The three major activities mentioned above are held in the member states of Ya'an. This is a coincidence of time and place arrangement, but the coordination and communication ability played by the Lord of the Aya Anhanda should not be underestimated.For example, Zokko visited Ukraine and Russia in June this year, and became the first foreign head of state to visit China after the Winter Olympics in July. Under the open international situation of swords, countries coordinated the G20.

In retrospect, in May this year, Cambodia, India, and Thailand, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Three Kingdoms issued a joint statement as the host country of the three summits, announcing that it will ensure the spirit of cooperation with all partners and stakeholders, and continue to strengthen the central status of Asia.And Ya'an's reputation and role in maintaining the peace and stability of the region.

That is a clear statement, indicating that even in an unknown environment, the outside world does not have to try to differentiate Asia, and Asia Fine will be committed to making Southeast Asia a field of cooperation with great powers rather than fighting.With the intensification of the Sino -US competition, all parties will strengthen their efforts to strive for Asian security. This is an opportunity and a test; in the rigid international situation, small countries are by no means incompetent, but can make a difference.The international diplomatic season, which is about to appear in this area, is a clear proof.