
Hunsheng Paper

"There are fewer people this year."

A Singaporean exhibitor who participated in the China International Import Expo every year, facing the rare exhibition hall of visitors, sighed helplessly.

This year, more than 2,800 exhibitors in 127 countries and regions came to Shanghai to participate in the annual expo enterprise exhibition.The number of participating countries and enterprises is similar to last year, but the exhibition hall is more deserted.This may be related to the unprecedented strict control of this Expo.

At present, the crown disease in China is four. In order to prevent the enrollment from becoming an outbreak point, the organizer stipulates that no one who lives in the history of the epidemic risk zone within 10 days before entering the exhibition area shall not participate.When all exhibitors enter the exhibition area for the first time, they must hold a 24 -hour kernel acid test negative certificate. In the exhibition area, we must also wear N95/KN95 masks in the exhibition area.

Many other provinces and cities are difficult to participate in the exhibition due to the local outbreak. Even foreign envoys enjoying diplomatic treatment have also been avoided by the risk of the epidemic.

A European exhibitor said that the country's ambassador to China has attended the Expo in the past few years, but this year, due to the concerns of the prevention and control of the epidemic, it was difficult to return to Beijing and temporarily canceled the trip.Speaking of which, he sighed: "This office for the exhibition of the world, no foreigners now."

The concerns of foreign envoys are not foundable.Even if you are in Shanghai, you may be rejected by the Expo because of an emergency.Some exhibitors disclosed that on the eve of the launch, some venues were temporarily closed due to the discovery of the infected people, which led to the exhibition hall for exhibitors.After the opening of the Expo, the local staff of Shanghai were unable to enter the venue due to the seal of the community.

Even the central official media reporter who reported to the Expo was difficult to return to Beijing because of abnormal "pop -ups" in Beijing Health Treasure Mini Program.Screenshots circulating on the Internet show that many central media reporters were "populated" because they went to Shanghai to report to the Expo, asking relevant departments to help them solve the problem of returning to Beijing.

Chinese officials attended the opening ceremony of the Expo through a video last week, and mentioned 17 "openness" in a just -in five minutes of speech.In the official reports of the expo for the past few days, "openness" also frequently mentioned.However, the exhibitors, employees and media in it are more concerned about the control that may face at any time.

Rather than saying that the Expo shows China's determination to open up, it is better to say that this international exhibition that debuted after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China highlights the open dilemma faced by China in the post -epidemic era.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the strict zero -zero policy has greatly reduced the huge market and the outside world.However, the high -level visits began to visit frequently and visited foreign leaders after the 20th National Congress. The National Development and Reform Commission and other departments also announced new measures to propose to facilitate the entry and exit of multinational companies and related personnel.Starting at the end of last month, international flights that entered and exited China have increased significantly, further confirming that China is striving to restore contact with the world and reopen the national gate that has been closed for nearly three years.

But at the same time, Chinese officials reiterated last weekend to adhere to the general policy of "dynamic clearing zero", and the prevention measures for epidemic prevention in various places have not been relaxed, and it is difficult to travel across the province.The aggressive new epidemic situation of the 20th National Congress caused more regions to be closed and controlled; the southern economic hub and important entry port Guangzhou exceeded 2,600 newly infected people on a single day, and there was another on Wednesday (November 9th).The administrative division was blocked.This means that even if it is easy to enter China, it is still possible to do it after entering.

Although the official has repeatedly emphasized that China will adhere to the opening of the outside world, there are all kinds of contradictions that make it difficult for the outside world to judge. Such "openness" is wrong, or talked about soldiers on paper.

As Chinese officials said in the opening speech of the Expo, when the global changing bureau accelerated the evolution and insufficient power of the world economic recovery, opening up is the key to the development of rescue and the important driving force for economic globalization.For China with weak domestic demand and slow exports, opening up is the best choice to stabilize the economy and people's livelihood, slow down investment and talent outflow.

However, with the continuous improvement of coronary virus transmission, even the extremely rigorous regional seal control and nucleic acid screening is difficult to block the spread of the epidemic.If it is fully open, the larger -scale epidemic outbreak is inevitable, and the serious illness and mortality rate will surge.Are the medical institutions ready to deal with?Does the public have enough psychological expectations for this?How can the official calm the folk panic, prevent medical crowding, and avoid chaos?

These issues were not asked at the Chinese State Council's epidemic conference last weekend. They were not raised at the press conference of the Expo two weeks ago, and have not been answered after the epidemic outbreak for nearly three years.But as more and more countries are open, they become more urgent.Before promoting the openness of the system and promoting the opening up of international economic and trade, it is necessary to let the outside world really contact the open Chinese market in order to reshape the confidence of investors.

Although the popularity of this Expo is not popular in the past, a Singapore merchant who participated in the first exhibition was still impressed by this global exhibition and decided to continue the exhibition next year.He said, "It is already amazing to do such an activity under the epidemic. Of course, if you can feel the epidemic in the expo with no epidemic when you come again next year, it is even better to get access to more merchants and consumers."