The continuous drought causes water tensions in Jinhua, central Zhejiang, in central Zhejiang. The latest news shows that water supply in the city is less than 70 days.

According to the "Jinhua Daily" WeChat public account, the local drought yellow warning was issued locally.According to the forecast of the meteorological department, the drought of Jinhua City will continue to develop, and the water supply and water supply of drought in urban areas will be severe.The city must work together to minimize the impact and losses caused by drought, avoiding "regret" caused by drought.

Jin Pei, director of the Disaster reduction and regulations of the Jinhua Meteorological Bureau, introduced that the local precipitation in November and winter will continue to be less.Pay attention to preventing the impact of drought on industrial and agricultural production, and do a good job of forest fire prevention.

Regarding the overall situation of Jinhua City's drought resistance, Wang Rongming, deputy secretary of the Party Committee, deputy director, and first -level investigator of Jinhua Emergency Administration, introduced that the current situation of drought resistance and water supply and water supply and water supply and water supply and water supply in Jinhua City is relatively severe.Since the plums on June 26, the average precipitation in Jinhua City is more than 60 % less than the same period of the same year. Among them, the precipitation in Jinhua City is more than 70 % less than the same period of the year, and it is the least since the record in 1954.At present, the average water storage rate of 29 large and medium -sized reservoirs in the city is 46.72%, the average water storage rate of small (1) reservoir is 43.70%, and the average water storage rate of small (2) reservoir is 48.01%.In general, on the one hand, this year's precipitation is significantly less, and the amount of water removal has increased compared to previous years. On the other hand, there is no obvious precipitation process in the near future, and the water level of the reservoir will continue to decline.

Wang Rongming revealed that, especially the water supply situation in the urban and towns at the city level is relatively severe.The water supply situation in other cities and towns is relatively stable.

Liang Baohua, deputy director of the Water Disaster Disaster Defense Technology Center of Jinhua City Water Resources Bureau, revealed that the water storage of the reservoir has continued to decrease since the plum.The total amount of water storage in the water supply reservoir is 41.16 million cubic meters less than the same year.In terms of farm drinking water, the city's farm drink water supply is tight and difficult to supply about 24,000 people.

The Jinhua City Defense Independence Office issued an emergency response action plan for drought -resistance and water supply protection in the city of Jinhua City on October 27.The main measures taken are: First, the urban area reduction, antihypertensive, and partitional classification restrict some industry water.When the drought is relatively heavy, it is required to take a restricted measure for water consumption in high water consumption industries.The city has reached the restriction index to the districts.The second is to reduce some non -residents' water.In particular, it is necessary to restrict the service industry water. The institutions and institutions must take the lead. Schools, hotels, hotels and other water households must do water -saving management and reduce the total water consumption of more than 20%.The third is to reduce agricultural irrigation water and give priority to ensuring irrigation water for grain and oil production.The fourth is to prohibit garden greening, municipal sanitation, and construction sites.

Reports pointed out that there has been quite a few periods of drought in Jinhua City.The Drought Resistance Headquarters in Yiwu City, which is under the jurisdiction of Jinhua City, released news in late October: In the two months of launching a drought -resistant level IV emergency response, the local drought has not improved significantly.A few days ago, the Drought Resistance Headquarters of the Flood Control Station in Yiwu City issued a notice requesting further strengthening drought resistance and water supply.

Sources said that starting from now, the Office of the Drought Resistance Headquarters of the Flood Control and Drought Prevention of Yiwu City will timely organize departments to conduct conference business research and judgment, strengthen communication and connection between member units and tight water supply town and streets.Countermeasures.Meteorological, water affairs, agricultural and rural areas and other departments shall organize the industry and judgments in accordance with the division of responsibilities, and guide the strip line to do a good job of drought -proof and drought.