The spokesperson of the National Health Commission of China Mi Feng Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday(November 5th) In the press conference in the afternoon, it is said that it is necessary to improve the level of scientific and precise prevention and control, effectively protect the normal production and living order of the masses, prevent simplification and one -size -fits -all, and resolutely rectify the layers.

Mi Feng stated at a press conference held by the State Council's joint defense and control mechanism that it is necessary to adhere to the "people first, life first", adhere to the general strategy of "external defense input, internal defense rebound""The general policy is unwavering, coordinates the prevention and control of the epidemic and the development of the economic and social development, and resolutely implements the" four early "to achieve early discounting, quick disposal, and overflowing.

Mi Feng also said that the ninth edition of the ninth edition prevention and control plan and the "nine inaccurate" requirements should be strictly implemented to improve the scientific and precise prevention and control level, effectively ensure the normal production and living order of the masses, and prevent simplification and one -size -fits -all.Resolutely rectify the layer by layer.For typical cases, the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council will increase notification and exposure.

The joint control mechanism of the State Council ’s joint prevention and control mechanism explicitly proposed the“ nine inaccurate ”of the epidemic prevention and control on June 5 this year, including the expansion of the scope of restrictions on travel from medium and high -risk areas to other regions;Take restrictions on compulsory persuasion and isolation from low -risk areas; the management and control time of high -risk areas and control areas, and control areas should not be extended at will.

At the same time, it also includes: the scope of risk personnel who are not allowed to expand and control measures at will; the time of quarantine and health monitoring of risk personnel is not allowed to be extended;Patients with critical condition and require regular diagnosis and treatment provide medical services; measures such as isolation and other measures for college students who return to school eligible are not allowed; they are not allowed to set out epidemic prevention checkpoints at will to restrict the passage of qualified passengers and trucks;It is not allowed to close the place where low -risk areas to ensure normal production and life.

The second -level inspector of the China CDC Supervisory Division said at the same press conference that some reflections of the people have been sorted out in the near future.Return, isolation and other restrictions; the second is to expand the scope of restrictions from medium and high risk areas to other regions at will; the third is to expand the scope of risk groups of risk -controlled measures to adopt isolation control measures.

In addition, in addition to violating the nine inaccurate regulations, there are new expression forms such as simplified, one -size -fits -all, and layer by layer in some places.Fengcheng instead of control; in addition, individual regions are limited to people traveling in the form of attachment and pop -ups.

Pujia, in order to urge the prevention and control measures of various places to prevent and control measures more scientific and accurate. First, we must give full play to the role of the "layer" special class work at all levels, establish a sound and rapid response mechanism, and transfer in time in time., Verify the complaints of the masses, establish a problem account, implement a sales management model, and urge and guide the local people to solve the complaints of the masses in a timely manner.

The second is to adhere to the problem orientation, keep an eye on the concerns of the people's concern and concern, and to resolutely urge and rectify the demand for the prevention and control requirements of the "nine inaccurate" and other epidemic conditions to ensure that the "layer of overtime" issues are timely.If it is properly resolved, and the local rectification is not timely or in place, it will be notified.

Third is to guide the work of the masses with their hearts and affection, increase the transportation and reserves of daily life and epidemic prevention materials, and effectively ensure the needs of groups such as old, weak, disabledGood masses work, maximize the understanding and support of the masses, and prevent problems such as simplifying the prevention and control of the epidemic, one -size -fits -all, and "layer by layer".