German Prime Minister Tsurtz announced that China will allow foreign people in China to vaccinate the coronary vaccine from Biontech, a German biotechnology company.

At present, only the people in mainland China allow the public to vaccine.As early as 2020, BIONTECH reached a cooperation agreement with Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical to provide vaccines to Greater China, but mainland China officially did not approve the relevant vaccine.

Tsubitz, which was visiting China on Friday (November 4), announced the news at a press conference with Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang.

According to Reuters, Shuerz pointed out that China and Germany agreed to work closely to fight against the epidemic, and he also urged Chinese people to allow Chinese people to use Biontech vaccine.After the announcement of the news, Biontech's stock price rose 5 %.

Biontech spokesman revealed to Reuters that the Chinese market began to use the Biontech vaccine in the early stage to import this vaccine.

Biontech executives are one of the business representatives that follow the Tshujerz to visit China.The team lineup of Tsumarz's visit to China is strong, including BASF, German Bank, Siemens, BMW, Volkswagen and other well -known German company executives.