
Fangsheng said

In the past month, China's epidemic prevention policy has once again become a hot topic in the friends group, but domestic and foreign friends have different discussion content.

Many overseas friends sent me the news of China to increase flights, and optimisticly believed that China may soon further relax the entry policy; domestic friends came from time to time, and from time to time, the epidemic chaos in Zhengzhou, Gansu Lanzhou, Henan,Helplessly lamenting the harsh epidemic prevention measures seem to have no end.

Obviously, there are different signals of China's epidemic prevention policy received by the people at home and abroad. The "dual -channel" situation of this internal and foreign epidemic prevention policies in China is particularly prominent after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

External, China has repeatedly released signals to accelerate openness.Among the 15 attractions and supporting foreign investment measures released by the China National Development and Reform Commission and other departments on October 25, they emphasized that "further clarifying the standards and processes and facilitating foreign personnel to China." The Chinese Civil Aviation Administration announced the next day ChinaThe international flight plan increased by 105.9 % year -on -year.

There are also rumors this week that Chinese officials have set up a committee to prepare for re -open to evaluate the possibility of re -opening up. The goal is to open in March next year.

Inside, China is still continuously promoting strict control measures in Zhengzhou, Lanzhou, Lhasa and other places.In the past week, the news of the Foxconn Zhengzhou factory epidemic and employees' departure have once again attracted the risk of the epidemic facing China supply chain and the public's dilemma under the prevention of the epidemic prevention.The news caused a rebound in public opinion; after nearly three months of sealing and controlling, Lhasa also rarely demonstrated at the end of October.

How to understand China's seemingly contradictory signals?In the face of tremendous pressure on the Chinese economy, the Chinese government is trying to restore investor confidence and try to adjust through a series of policy adjustments to prove to the outside world that the door to China will only be bigger and bigger.

But under the dynamic clearance policy, how fast the door that China can open to the entryrs to the people is still questioning the outside world.Recently, when talking to a foreign company friend about this topic, he raised the core of the problem: the problem was not that China could not open the door, but what kind of epidemic restrictions faced after entering the door. Under these restrictions, whether others want to enter the doorEssence

His vividly pointed out: "Can you imagine that a foreign company's executives spend several days to isolate? Even if they are willing to isolate, it is difficult to inspect different cities. For these people, time is time.Cost. "Whether executives can freely enter and exit China are one of the most concerned issues for foreign companies, otherwise they will be difficult to first understand the local situation in China.

This involves a deeper problem -how China connects entry and domestic epidemic prevention policies without giving up dynamic clearing zero, and effectively connects with the external world.

Entering November, epidemic prevention measures in some parts of China have been slightly adjusted.Interface News reported this week that Guilin, Liuzhou, Hezhou, Wuzhou, Guigang, Guibin, and Zhanjiang, Guangdong, will not check the nucleic acid by train, but still need it;But destination still needs.

Some areas of Guizhou, Sichuan, Gansu, Hunan and other provinces have also announced that the detection of nucleic acid tests of ordinary people will no longer be free.Public opinion predicts that this is the first step in relaxation of epidemic prevention; there are also opinions that this is a huge cost that local finances cannot support normalized testing, and it does not mean that epidemic prevention policies change.

Perhaps these two views have certain truths. Local finances cannot support the actual conditions of free normalized nucleic acids, so that some areas have to slightly relax the existing epidemic prevention requirements.

The National Health and Health Commission of China reiterated the official requirements at the party member cadre conference held by the National Health and Health Commission on November 2nd, indicating that the general strategy of "external defense input, internal defense rebound" general strategy and "dynamic clear zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero"The general policy, strive to control the emergencies at the minimum range, the shortest time, and the lowest cost; this means that China's dynamic zero -zero policy will not change fundamentally in the short term.

It is worth noting that when the Standing Committee of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China proposed on May 5 this year, when the general policy of "dynamic clearance" was not shaken, he also emphasized that it is necessary to resolutely the words and deeds of all the policies and deeds of the Chinese epidemic prevention policies."Struggle" and require "the spirit of the struggle to fully carry forward the spirit of the struggle and resolutely build the epidemic prevention and control barrier."These tough expressions did not appear at the cadre conference of the Health Commission, which provided space for China's subsequent epidemic prevention policies.

However, local officials continued to appear due to incomparable prevention of local officials, and at least 15 cadres in Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia alone were dismissed or punished in October.So far, strict dynamic zero -zero measures are still an important indicator to determine whether local officials can keep the black hat.

In summary, China's domestic and foreign epidemic prevention policies have been adjusted slightly, but the pace is not consistent.As long as the political pressure of dynamic clearance is not dismissed, local officials will continue to adopt the attitude of being too tight and not relaxed on the issue of epidemic prevention;Continuous challenge.