The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the International Mediation Institute will be established by all parties and based on treaties.Differential disputes and processing are beneficial supplements to the solution of existing institutions and disputes, and will also provide a new platform for peaceful resolution of international disputes.

China announced the launch of the "International Mediation Institute" to establish a mediation international dispute and set the preparatory office in Hong Kong.Some opinion speculates that China will set up an international arbitral tribunal for another stove, but the scholars of interviewees believe that this new institution will focus on mediation international business disputes.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on Tuesday (November 1) that the international community's demand for mediation has increased in recent years, but there are currently no intergovernmental international organizations in the world.In order to comply with the development trend and needs of international mediation, China drafted and reached a joint statement on the establishment of an international mediation institute with "a country with similar concepts"."Friendly, flexible, economical, and convenient" solution.

The statement states that the International Mediation Institute will be established by all parties and based on treaties.The beneficial supplement of the solution will also provide a new platform for peaceful resolution of international disputes.Members of the International Mediation Institute will remain open and inclusive.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs signed arrangements with the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government on October 21 on the arrangement of the establishment of an international mediation center in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.According to the arrangement, the preparatory office is expected to carry out and organize relevant international convention negotiations and establish preparations for the establishment of international mediation institutes from 2023.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained that the preparatory office is located in Hong Kong. It mainly considers its superior geographical location, convenient business environment, and especially the mature legal system in Hong Kong. It provides unique advantages in providing legal services, including mediation.The preparatory office in Hong Kong will help the preparation, future operation and promotion of the International Mediation Institute.

Lin Dingguo, director of the Secretary for Law of the Hong Kong Government, said that the establishment of the International Mediation Institute's Preparatory Office in Hong Kong, marking that the country that signed a joint statement was a vote for the preparatory office in Hong Kong.Planning and "Outline of the Development Planning of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area" under the status of international law and dispute resolution service centers in the Asia -Pacific region.

Scholars: The positioning of the International Mediation Institute should be closer to the Singapore International Business Court

Some opinion believes that the International Mediation Institute is the Hague International Arbitration Tribute to the Netherlands, which aims to unite more developing countries and establish a new international dispute resolution mechanism.

However, Wang Jiangyu, a professor at the School of Law of the City University of Hong Kong and the director of the China Law and Comparative Law Research Center in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post.The international tide of solving mechanisms and enhanced its own right to speak in this field.

Wang Jiangyu pointed out that in recent years, the multi -dispute resolution mechanism combined with litigation arbitration and mediation in recent years. Singapore is the leader of this wave, and Hong Kong, which was the number one of the Asian arbitration center, was caught up."This time, China hopes to strengthen Hong Kong as the status of the resolution center of the international dispute through the 'national system'."

The statement did not clearly explicitly regulate the international dispute category. Wang Jiangyu speculated that the mediation institute will follow Singapore's mediation convention to mediate international commercial disputes.However, because this international organization involves coordination with the relationship between many countries, including the diplomatic treatment of organizational personnel, it is led by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The director of the EU Research Center of Renmin University of China and Wang Yili, a professor of "Moane" lecturer of the EU, pointed out in an interview that Chinese culture emphasizes tolerance and storage, not binary opposition.Thinking.To set up the Preparatory Office of the International Mediation Institute in Hong Kong, it can give full play to the advantages of Hong Kong as a bridge to connect with the East and West, and also meets the goals of improving the market economy system and promoting high -level opening up in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.