The Chinese State Council Prime Minister Li Keqiang hosted a executive meeting of the State Council on Wednesday (26th) to deploy a policy and continuation measures for the continuous implementation of the stability of the economy to promote the further stabilization of the economy.The meeting pointed out that promoting consumption recovery has become the main force of economic streaming. By grasping the implementation of the continuous release of policy effects, it maintains economic operation in a reasonable range.

According to CCTV News reports on Thursday evening, Li Keqiang listened to the financial and financial policy tools to support major project construction and equipment renewal and renovation reports at the meeting, deployment to accelerate the release of the effects of consumer policy;The tax deduction is retreating, supporting the company's relief and development.

The meeting pointed out that since April this year, the deployment of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council has been implemented to respond to the impact of super -expected factors.And continuation measures.Policies and measures are strong and reasonable, which is conducive to stabilizing the current and conducive to sustainable development.It is necessary to maintain economic operation in a reasonable range by grasping the implementation of the continuous release of policy effects.

First, continue to pay close attention to the implementation of a package of stability.The supervision and service working group should continue to supervise and coordinate the problem.The second is to greaterly stimulate market vitality and social creativity.The Chinese people are hardworking and wisdom, and the market has more than 160 million households, which is also where China's economic toughness lies.It is necessary to adhere to reform and opening up, deepen the reform of "decentralization of service", and optimize the business environment.Relevant measures should be urged to check.Third, all aspects of all aspects must perform their duties to protect people's livelihood, and to strengthen the basic livelihood of the people's livelihood.

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to promote the expansion of investment and promote consumption policies to accelerate the effectiveness.First, fiscal and financial policy tools support major project construction and equipment renewal and transformation, and more physical workloads should be formed in the fourth quarter.Promote the construction of the project to ensure the quality of the project.Support private investment to participate in major projects.Accelerate the update of the device to the loan, and support the purchase of domestic and foreign equipment, expand the demand for manufacturing and guide expectations.The second is to promote consumption recovery and become the main force of economic stirring.Expand the work generation to promote employment and income, and incorporate the renewal of consumer equipment into the scope of special reinsurance and fiscal discount support.Due to the city's policy to support rigid and improved housing needs.

The meeting pointed out that the implementation of large -scale VAT retain tax refund has played a key role in helping the enterprise rescue and stabilizing the economy.The subject is equal.The average time for newly reserved tax refund to the manufacturing industry has been reduced to two working days. To continue to implement this, this is to be refunded.Fast retreat, protect market entities, protect employment and people's livelihood.