

From "Xi Ten Years" at this moment, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is the result of the 10 years of careful layout and accumulation.Midway station is also the "third 30 years" of the Communist Party of China.Looking back on this node, the CCP has successfully repaired the results of the shortcomings and hidden dangers of risk, and the new and old problems to be resolved are more clear.

The Chinese government's most "quiet" party congress for many years is about to open.

According to the official fixed tone, The 20th National CongA very important conference held at the critical moment of modern countries "will scientific planning will scientific planning the development target tasks and political policies in the next five years and even more.

However, the feelings of the outside world have so far the 20 atmosphere is plain. This is not only because the official confidentiality work is at home. The relevant personnel adjustment and the problem of the issues are very small.Essence

As the opening day of the conference approaches, the epidemic has rebounded in many places in China. The prevention of epidemic prevention in Beijing has reached the most tight moment.For the general public, in addition to the restrictions on entering Beijing, the "sensitivity" that the 20th National Congress is not strong.This is the contrast between the situation of a large -scale screen created a warm atmosphere, television and radio -intensive propaganda "hard -to -end" when the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

After ten years of Xi, China reproduces political strong people

But twenty are undoubtedly the coordinates that cannot be ignored.Chinese officials are expected to enter the third term, and it is expected to get the "two establishment" seals and become another political person in China after Deng Xiaoping.What new journey he will lead China will not only determine the future of 1.4 billion people in China, but the trend of the world's second largest economy will also affect the development of Asian, and even have a significant impact on world peace.

From the "ten years of Xi" to this moment, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is the result of 10 years of careful layout and accumulation. It is not a turning point in the development of the Chinese Communist Party or China."Third 30 Years" medium -range coordinates.Looking back on this node, the CCP has successfully repaired the results of the shortcomings and hidden dangers of risk, and the new and old problems to be resolved are more clear.

Since the official acceptance of China's official succession in 2012, the Communist Party of China and China have undergone significant changes, which are reflected in all aspects.

Before 2012, the severe corruption problems existing in China's officialdom, high -level oligopoly politics, mountain headism, the party's internal factions (the CCP called the "group group"), and the army's corruption is now greatly suppressed.During this period, the CCP's ideology and "institutional self -confidence" also entered the media and social network discourse on a large scale.

The Third Plenary Session of the Communist Party of China in 2013 began to plan to deepen the reform of the party and state institutions, and changed the "separation of party and government" pursued by the Deng Xiaoping era to "division of work of party and government."The "modernization of the national governance system" in the context of the Communist Party of China is a part of administrative, legislative, judicial and supervision, and internal division of labor, which is different from the three powers of the Western government.

The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2017 and the third historical resolution passed by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 2021 are two key documents in these 10 years.Chinese officials pointed out in the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China that "adhere to the party's leadership of all work."In the same year, Mao Zedong reiterated during the Cultural Revolution: "Party, government, military and civilianology, east -west, north, south, and the party are leading everything." The party constitution was written;The third historical resolution passed the "two establishment", which made China's official status compare Deng Xiaoping.

In summary, from the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese official promoted the strong return of the CCP's leadership.challenge.While strengthening the party, the official Chinese official also boarded the "core of the Party Central Committee" and laid the foundation for political, theory and related systems for its long -term leadership.In 10 years, he has completed the promotion of his authority from the General Secretary to the "core" of the central government. His personal status and thoughts have evolved from "two maintenance" to "two establishment".

The lesson of the front car of the Foam of the CPSU and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Hu Jintao as the general secretary of the vulnerable, the lesson of "the decree does not get out of the Zhongnanhai", and the chaos of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012, let Chinese official conclude that a concentration of power is concentratedThe CCP, which is disciplined, operates efficiently, and maintains pure ideology, is the only reliable guarantee for China's continuous rise and realization of national rejuvenation.

Earlier years ago, some people of liberals looked forward to the control of the Party's Central Committee with the deepening of reform and opening up and the market economy.China will eventually embark on the road of Western -style freedom and democracy.This is obviously not recognized by the mainstream of the Chinese officials such as Chinese officials. They believe that this is not only the solution to solving China's problems, but will weaken China, which may allow China to return to the old road of bullying.

In these contexts, different knowledge groups in China also have different understanding of the term "reform". In the early days of reform and opening up, reform and opening up often implied "decentralization".The "reform" referred to after 2012 is to strengthen and consolidate the CCP's leadership system and its effectiveness.The so -called "modernization of national governance capabilities and systems" is actually to develop a set of political discussions and systems that are different from the mainstream of the West and the international community, and promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with "Chinese -style modernization".

China official can successfully reshape the CCP's leadership system within 10 years, depending on him, as soon as he came to power, he launched a vigorous "fighting tiger and flying fly" anti -corruption operation.Anti -corruption is still a lot of people's hearts. Chinese officials have also eliminated the erosion and threats of the "group gang", political oligarchs, and special interest groups in the party through anti -corruption.He also consolidated his core position by promoting system reform in key areas. For example, the military reform opened at the end of 2015 strengthened his comprehensive control of the army.

However, in the process of strengthening governance, system and theoretical construction, the CCP also has obvious paradox.

Under more rigid management thinking, the original flexible space in some fields is compressed, causing negative effects outside expected.For example, high -level claims that the door to open to the outside world will only open and larger, but from the perspective of Chinese people and international observer, the situation is not so, or even the opposite.

Theoretical and reality is a paradox

The outside world worried about China to become "islands"

Over the years, the Chinese people have been able to feel the narrowing space of public opinion, and the separation of China and the external world has also deepened.After the outbreak of the epidemic for more than two years in 2020, the zero -zero policy has made some people and Chinese and foreign companies worry that China will become "islands", and even the birth of China may return to the "retreat lock.Lenovo of the country. The risk of discounted Sino -US decoupling caused by the intensified relationship between China and the United States and other Western countries has deepened this kind of concern.

The changes in the economic field are also very prominent, and this year's situation is particularly "complicated and severe".

In fact, the next year in Chinese officials, the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee in 2013 passed the decision of comprehensively deepening the reform of several major issues, and proposed that the market should play a decisive role in the allocation of resources (the past statement is "the basic nature" played the foundation")," Give play to the decisive role of the market in the allocation of resource allocation, and better play the role of the government "is also written into the party constitution at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.accomplish.

In reality, after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the trend of "left turning" in China's ideology is more obvious. Private enterprises feel that the risk of ownership risks has risen, and the uncertain risk of supervision has increased greatly.In the past two or three years, the central government has launched a "double reduction" policy (reducing the burden of out -of -school training, etc.) to make the tuition school almost "destruction"; to combat "capital disorder expansion", rectify Internet companies, rectify the culture of rice circle to create ""Clear" network space "... officially strives to reduce various" negative factors "that affect economic, financial and social stability, but the economic and stock markets have paid the price.

The reconstruction of political and economic relations in the Chinese economy

Some people blame China's economic growth in 2022 to blame the rigorous and zero -seal control measures. In fact, the epidemic is to make the process of economic adjustment more difficult, and at the same time exacerbate the original problem.Before the epidemic, the Chinese economy had been slowed down.However, some of the economic deceleration before the epidemic is the result of the official intention of adjusting.China's senior management vigorously deleveraging, eliminating financial risks, and reducing China's economy's dependence on real estate and polluting enterprises, in order to eliminate deep economic hidden dangers that have accumulated for many years, trying to make the economic structure more reasonable.

The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2017 proposed that China has shifted from "high -speed growth stage to high -quality development stage" and modified the "main contradiction" that has maintained the "main contradiction" that has been maintained for 36 years.The Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China believes that the main contradictions of Chinese society have been between "the increasing people's growing material and cultural needs and backward social production", and "transformed into the people's growing good life needs and inadequate development between the people's increasingly growing lives and the inadequate development of the people.Contradiction. "

In short, the Chinese Communist Party should bring development more fairly and better to the public.Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, China completed the national poverty alleviation in 2021, announced the establishment of a well -off society in an all -round way, and began to "solidly promote common prosperity."Economists pointed out that during the "ten years of Xi", the Chinese economy had a paradigm transfer.In this regard, critics believe that China no longer continues the "economic construction as the center" in the Deng era, allowing politics to survive the economy, and damage the social contract between the Communist Party and the people.Supporters advocate that allowing the development of development to be shared more fairly is the social contract between Chinese officials and people, and it is also in line with the "original heart" of the Chinese government.As for the target of Internet companies, it is also to allow capital and talents to turn into areas with higher technology content, rather than letting e -commerce universally grow. They "only remember the traffic of several bundles of cabbage."

However, driving the economic paradigm transformation is a thrilling project, which involves deep reorganization of interests. The strong intervention method led by politics has led to market anxiety.In 2022, the Omikon epidemic and the control measures adopted in many places even plunged social confidence and expectations.Many international institutions predict that China's economic growth may be only about 3%this year, which is a rare low in decades.People are beginning to worry that the Chinese economy may have formed "permanent scars" and even "permanent damage."

How to get out of the epidemic is the greatest cruise in front of you

When commented on "Xi Ten Years", international media often commented that China has abandoned Deng Xiaoping's tight -moving route and opening the era of "struggle diplomacy", which has caused China's external environment to deteriorate.

But "Zhihua School" scholars have pointed out that the United States has an excessive response to China's rise. No matter how the West is targeted, it is still domestic whether China can continue to rise and achieve national rejuvenation.

The characteristics of

"Xi Ten Years" are to strengthen the CCP's rule, and to make China more confidently stand in the forest of the world's nation with its own governance, system and value system.

Sure enough, as a large country and ancient civilization with a population of 1.4 billion, it is indeed impossible to copy the development model of the Western world, but if you realize the "modernization of Chinese -style" and consolidate the CCP rule, can you only adopt a rigid and tighter management method?Should there be more flexible space for society and economy at a certain time?In addition, the realization of "Chinese -style modernization" is a necessary condition for continuous and stable economic growth.Scholars have estimated that if China wants to achieve its own goals, it will basically achieve socialist modernization in 2035, and the average annual growth rate of economy will be maintained at about 4.8%. The epidemic that lasts for three years has disrupted this rhythm.So how does the most urgent problem currently affect the impact of epidemic prevention and control measures on the economy?

For many people, relaxation of epidemic control is the change they most hope to see after the 20th National Congress.Many travelers are eager to return to China, and some foreign businessmen want to set foot in the market full of vitality and opportunities in their memory.However, if the two or three years of "dynamic clearing" policy, if it suddenly relaxes, it will inevitably lead to a significant increase in the number of infections, which will be a difficult process.

As for the relief of other deeper contradictions, it is still the old question of how to balance the relationship between politics and economy, politics and society.Someone once described that China is like a car fixed to one side, and it will be obviously unbalanced by accident.Regarding this issue, the 20th National Congress itself believes that it will not give any different answers. In the case where the direction will not change, people can only expect that the new leadership team will increase the transparency of the policy at least and reduce the rigidity of the policy implementation.The development of China is just "a moment of light injury" or a great vitality. It is very important for two or three years.