Affected by the epidemic, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province suspended offline teaching in primary and secondary schools.Not According to China CCTV News, the Xi'an Education Department issued a notice of suspension of classes on Tuesday (October 11). Except for junior and high school graduation grades, other grades of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens will be suspended from offline teaching.notify.Not Notice also requires that full -time training schools, vocational schools are non -graduate grades, and non -full -time training schools, youth activity centers and grass -roots activity stations will be suspended from offline teaching activities.

In addition to the education system, on October 11, Shaanxi Provincial Library issued an announcement announcementIt is said that the Chang'an Road Pavilion and Gaoxin Pavilion District suspended opening up and resumed the opening of the opening time separately.Also suspended from October 11 are the Emperor Qin Shi Mausoleum Museum, Xi'an Beilin Museum, Shaanxi History Museum, Shaanxi Archaeological Museum, Shaanxi Provincial Art Museum and other public places.

At 24:00 as to Monday (10th), Not 87 cases of local diagnosis and observation of observation of medical observations260 cases of non -symptoms.NotThe province > There were 24 cases of new crown disease infected, nine cases of new confirmed cases, and 15 newly added symptoms in the local area. Among them, there were four local diagnosis cases in Xi'an, and seven cases of natives were asymptomatic infected.