In the past week, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi is very happy.During the 77th UN General Assembly, he held talks with the dignitaries of dozens of countries and the heads of international organizations, and ushered in another high time of his foreign minister's career in the past 10 years.

In September of this year, Li Zhanshu, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China, and Chinese officials who went abroad to visit abroad, broke the state of the highest leadership of the highest leadership after the outbreak of the crown disease in 2020, showing that Chinese high -level diplomacy began to recover.It is expected to return to normal after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China held in October.

And Wang Yi went to New York to attend the United University this time. An important task was to meet with politics of various countries, especially to communicate with Western countries such as the United States.Organize leaders (APEC) meetings.

The website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shows that since September 19, Eastern time in the United States, Wang Yi has attended many activities intensively, delivered several speeches and keynote speeches, and held bilateral meetings with many international organization leaders and national dignitaries.It explains China's position on issues such as Sino -US relations and introduces China's achievements in implementing the global development initiative.

The politicians that Wang Yi meet with: US Secretary of State Brosky, British Foreign Minister Clever, French Foreign Minister Cologne, German Foreign Minister Berbque, Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian, and Russian Foreign Minister Ravorov, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kulbababawait.

In response to the "uncertainty" of Chinese decision -making in response to Western countries such as the United States, Wang Yi clarified the five "certainty" in China during the discussion with representatives such as the National Committee of the United States and China Relations: First, China's own development of its own developmentThe prospects are certain; the second is that the determination of China's reform and opening up is certain; the third is that China's policy on the United States is certain; the fourth is that China ’s attitude towards the economic and trade cooperation between the two countries is certain;Willing is certain.

Wang Yi not only adopted the defensive trend. When he delivered a speech on the New York headquarters of the Asian Association, he sharply raised China's four major questions about the United States' policy on China:

First, "the United States has the" democracy against authoritarian "narrative that the United States has not needed, and points to the Chinese political system, development path, and ruling party. In this case, how to fulfill the commitment that does not seek to change the Chinese system?" Second"The United States defines China as the" most important opponents' and 'the most severe long -term challenges' to implement a comprehensive curb. How to avoid new Cold War in this case? "Twenty -five years later, the heads of the reports were allowed to visit Taiwan again. Official exchanges again and again, continuously enhanced the substantial relationship, and sold the weapons again and again, even the offensive weapons. Recently, it has been promoting the so -called so -called 'Taiwan Policy Act. "In this case, how to fulfill the important statement of not supporting 'Taiwan independence'?Fourth, "the United States continues to trade against China. Even if the WTO is determined by the WTO, it still insists on imposing a high tariff on about 360 billion US dollars (about $ 504 billion) in China.The more the list is pulling longer.In this case, how to maintain the stability of the China -US and the global industrial chain supply chain?"

When meeting with Brinken, Wang Yi focused on the issue of Taiwan, emphasizing that "Taiwan's issue is the core of China's core interests, and the weight in the hearts of Chinese people is as heavy as Taishan".Three joint communiqués and a Chinese principles, clean up a Chinese policy, clearly show that they oppose various 'Taiwan independence' split activities. "

Brinken emphasized that the United States is committed to maintaining the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait. Maintaining the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait is critical to regional and global security and prosperity, implying that the United States is concerned about solving the Taiwan issue in mainland China.

Wang Yi reiterated that China will continue to adhere to the basic policy of "peace reunification, one country, two systems", but emphasize that peaceful solutions to the "Taiwan independence" split water and fire.The more rampant "Taiwan independence" activities, the more likely the possibility of peaceful solutions.

Obviously, the differences between China and the United States on the issue of Taiwan are difficult to meet, and it is difficult for both parties to accept their views.However, in the lip gun sword, both sides expressed their willingness to maintain stability of Sino -US relations under difficulty.This means that although the fierce game between China and the United States will continue, the heads of state of the two countries may still hold talks at the G20 summit this year.

In response to Western countries questioning China's position in Russia in the Russia -Ukraine War, Wang Yi discussed the situation in Ukraine with many national dignitaries and met with Ukraine Foreign Ministers Kulba.Wang Yi reiterated that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of various countries should be respected. The purpose and principles of the United Nations Charter should be observed. The reasonable and safe concerns of all parties should be valued. All efforts to solve the crisis in peace should be supported.He also emphasized that China did not stand by, nor did it be poured on Russia's conflict, nor did it take the opportunity to make a profit.

Wang Yiyi is showing that China is not a party of Russia and Ukraine. He will not choose the side station, but keep neutrality, persuade and talk. China should not bear the moral responsibility of "supporting Russia's invasion of Ukraine."

The 69 -year -old Wang Yi this year was full of schedule during the meeting of the United University, showing his vigorous work energy.Some analysts said that Wang Yi was the strongest and most prestigious foreign minister after Qian Qichen, former deputy prime minister and foreign minister of China. He is likely to break the retirement of the 68 -year -old retirement after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.Yang Jiechi, director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee, continues to play an important role in China's diplomatic front.