China's central enterprise will set up a "chief compliance officer", which will be held by the general legal adviser as a key person to participate in major corporate decisions.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council of the State Council recently issued the central enterprise compliance management measures (referred to as the method) to promote central enterprises to strengthen compliance management, effectively prevent and control risks, and effectively guarantee deepening reform and high -quality developmentEssenceThe method will be implemented from October 1, 2022.

Methods proposed that central enterprises should set up chief compliance officers in accordance with the actual situation, and do not add leadership positions and positions.Related work and guide the affiliated units to strengthen compliance management.

The method provides the operating mechanism of the compliance management of central enterprises, requiring central enterprises to consider compliance review as a necessary procedure to embed the management process.Official signatures make clear opinions on the compliance of decision -making matters.The business and functional departments and compliance management departments will regularly evaluate the review of the review standards, processes, and key points in accordance with their responsibilities permissions.

According to the method, central enterprises will establish a rectification mechanism for illegal issues. Through the improvement of rules and regulations, optimizing business processes, etc., we will block management vulnerabilities and improve the level of management and management in accordance with the law.

In terms of supervision and accountability, the central enterprises violate the Measures and stipulate that if the compliance management is not in place, the State -owned Assets Supervision Commission can interview relevant enterprises and instruct the rectification;Responsibilities are held in accordance with relevant regulations.

In addition, central enterprises should not find illegal issues due to intentional or major negligence in the process of performing their duties, or units and misconducts to discover violations of regulations, which causes loss of duty and cause loss or adverse effects on enterprises.Personnel is held accountable.

According to the WeChat public account of the WeChat public account of Beijing Daily, the State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission held a promotion meeting for compliance management of central enterprises last Tuesday (September 13).It is emphasized that compliance management is a key institutional measure for enterprises to effectively and effectively prevent business risks. It is an urgent need for continuous and sound corporate governance under the new situation to ensure that the company's virtuous circulation and stable development are.Good ".

Weng Jieming also said that central enterprises must implement the methods in depth, focus on the "five key", ensure the "five in place", use the chief compliance officer as a key figure, comprehensively participate in major decisions, ensure thatManagement responsibilities are in place; compliance review as a key link, accelerate and improve the working mechanism, and ensure that the process control is in place.