The Communist Party of ChinaThe Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department on Monday (September 5) On the WeChat public publicity documents, the six types of "low -level red" and "high -level black" issues were reviewed, and it was pointed out that this phenomenon caused "seriously kill" the image of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government.Immediately after the article was issued, a lot of reposts and likes.

What is "low -level red" and "advanced black"?The article gives a clear answer. The former intends to simplify and vulgarize the CCP's policies, and use a seemingly exaggerated or even extreme attitude to express "political correctness";Playing in the West, attacking it in a well -planned but not detecting way.

The article believes that the subjective motivation of "low -level red" and "high -level black" may be different, but in actual situations, the two often echo the "same flow".

The articles with more than 2,000 words have summarized the six types in detail, which are: exaggerate their words, no brain touting; excessive force, arbitrarily increase;Gang is launched "Duck Hat".

The article lists these six types of actual cases vividly.For example, in 2018, a local court published an example of a network of Xuanwen recorded some police officers, dedication and diligent work. When it mentioned one of the female police officers, he wrote: "Silent Sister, 28 days of continuous overtime, not changing clothes, no, no, no, noWashing her head, in the minds of the Police Police, she is a goddess and female superman. "

" Female Police Police Police Police 28 days continuous overtime and did not change clothes without shampooing. "The picture shows the female police officer mentioned in the original text.(Internet)

This article is referred to as "the female police officer for 28 days and has not changed the clothes, but not washing her hair."

In fact, this promotional article caused a lot of rebound at the public opinion field. It was criticized by the media as "deliberately cutting the facts, forging deeds ...Low -level red '".

There are also comments to point out that the professional and diligence of the female police officer must be affirmed.However, let a female policeman work for 28 days in a row. There is no time to change clothes and not to take a bath. Should the unit leaders also reflect?

Another example of confirming the "excessive force" is "a new wedding night to copy the party constitution".Wikipedia.

Incident People's Daily Overseas WeChat public account "Learning Group" launched the "100 -day Party Constitution" event in February 2016, encouraging party members to copy the full text of the Chinese government's party constitution in 100 days.

The Nanchang Railway Bureau posted a photo of the party constitutions of their employees on the new wedding night through the official Weibo on May 16, and described "spreading the paper, copying the party constitution, and to the wedding night night.Leave good memories. "

These photos and texts caused a lot of netizens to ridicule at the time, and they were also questioned as hype. The term "copying party constitution" also spread widely on the Internet.

The Zhejiang Propaganda Department also explained what the recent epidemic case is "high -profile" "singing".On March 11 this year, Changchun was required to stop all necessary flows due to the severe epidemic situation. Subsequently, "Changchun citizens could not buy vegetables" repeatedly on the Internet, which became a hot spot in the city.

Changchun's March epidemic prevention and control during this year, manyThe people have difficulty buying food, but the local party has launched the CCP's cadres and cadres to "expose my vegetable bags" activities, which has caused people with scarcity of supplies.(Internet)

At this point, Changchun launched the CCP members and cadres of the CCP and cadres of "Danning My Vegetable Bags", which caused the people with scarce supplies.The two cadres were removed from office and the party warning.

China's official first mentioned that "low -level red", "advanced black"

Zhejiang Propaganda Department criticized the "low -level red" and "high -level black" this time is not the first time in Chinese officials.

As early as 2019, on the eve of the "two sessions" that year, Xinhua News Agency released the opinion of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on strengthening the party's political construction on February 27: Resolutely prevent and correct all departure from "two maintenance"Words and deeds of errors shall not engage in any form of "low -level red" and "advanced black".

Some scholars believe that the focus of the official propaganda work has begun to turn to netizens, especially young netizens.

This pair of network hot words also officially entered the official document.Similar to the definition of the article of Zhejiang Propaganda Department, at that time, the party building magazine in charge of the Central Propaganda Ministry of Propaganda 2019 The 4th issue of the 2019 4th issue of the PLA News Agency Sang Linfeng, Sang Linfeng, strictly guarded the "low -level red" and "high -level black".Interest or unintentionally simplify the CCP's beliefs and political claims."Advanced Black" is more particular about skills, gorgeous humor, and sometimes even wearing academic coats, more camoufly; or to extremely interpret the CCP's ideals, beliefs, purpose, policies and policies.

This article also named "Female Police Police Police has worked overtime for 28 days and did not change clothes and washed her hair." It seemed to praise the professionalism, but it is a "low -level red" that contrary to the common sense of humanity.

The article also described it for example: Some people talk about changes in style, and wrote "the deputy mayor ate the moon cake that he paid his own money".The discipline was strict and promoted that "the inspection team was warned by the inspection team for 4 minutes", which made people feel that discipline "lacks humanity"; some people talked about poverty alleviation, and wrote "the marriage of poverty alleviation cadres and the poor households", which made people associateThe poverty alleviation policy of the Communist Party of China is "separated from the theme".

The article is clear that the emergence of "low -level red" and "high -level black" is a manifestation of poor political ability of minority and cadres and cadres in the Communist Party of China.However, it is also believed that some "low -level red" and "advanced black" approach is the "superb trick" of political "two -sided people", and emphasized that the "struggle in the ideological field is a war that invisible smoke."

Why are "low -level red" and "high -level black" more banned?

From 2019, the official mentioned by the Chinese official in 2019 has renamed Zhejiang's Propaganda Department again and criticized. In the past four years, the Chinese network's "low -level red" and "high -level black" network style has not decreased significantly.

On the one hand, this type of network has a huge market and can meet the psychological needs of different people from various levels.For example, the "department wind wearing" article named by Zhejiang propaganda department analyzes "wearing aesthetics in the system", and also discussed "Why does the department's wind become the ceiling of the marriage market?": // Versionid = pg0age8u1pgzc 4qq76enenby9yc1sj86 " />

The" Department of the DepartmentHot passing.Pictured (from left)Members, township cadres, office cadres, bureau -level cadres, and department -level cadres.(Internet)

Although such articles are excluded by many netizens, words such as "wearing aesthetics" and "ceiling of marriage and love market" are actually through the sense of superiority in the system.The vanity of the insiders.

The title party articles such as "Zhongbi Win", "Winning", "Big Chess", although it may "become a person with ulterior motives and policies of China."But it caters to the strong nationalist emotions of netizens.

" "Win" "Win Ma"Articles such as "Big Chess" have also been accused of "becoming a person with an attentive person who has an attentive person to sarcastically sarcastically."Last year, China pulled out of power and limited power. Many articles about "chess theory" were popular on the Internet. At the time, China official media CCTV said that the so -called "big chess theory" was a chaotic rhythm and produced "low -level red".The effect of "advanced black".(Internet)

People who make these articles are also very clear. We must seize the appetite of netizens in order to obtain more traffic. As for the content and consequences of the article, it is not their focus.

On the other hand, the government's publicity public account is becoming more and more enthusiastic about making publicity articles of "low -level red" and "high -level black". The fundamental reason is formalism and bureaucracy.

Many of the above -mentioned articles are accused of "not grounding", "separation from reality", "anti -human nature, abnormal theorem".To deal with articles in the principle of grounding "in accordance with the principle of common sense, the above problems may not occur.

In fact, the official selection of publicity methods more or less also reflect the nature of the institution. If an institution is full of formalism and bureaucracy internally, I think about how to decorate the transcript.How can we expect the articles that it produces "down -to -earth" and "seeking truth from facts"?

The Zhejiang Propaganda Department mentioned in the end of the article that in the face of an increasingly complicated public opinion environment, we must deeply understand that news and propaganda is an art ...It is also necessary to talk about methods, art, and effect.

It is true that the more complicated the environment of the public opinion, the more particular the propaganda work is, but at the same time, I am afraid that it should be deeper to explore the origin of the problem., Make "Low -level Red" and "Advanced Black" so much room for play?

If you do n’t talk about this problem, you only make requirements in the form of “art”. Even if “low -level red” and “high -level black” are destroyed today, more “red” will appear in the futureBlack "to fight against the government's credibility and cont like the CCP and the government image.