Liu Chuanzhi, known as the "Chinese Entrepreneur Godfather", has fallen into the vortex of public opinion in recent days, but unlike previous controversy, he was on the cusp because of a textbook station this time.According to news circulated on Chinese social media Weibo and WeChat, on the first day of the start of school in September, Liu Chuanzhi's article entitled to the time of Liu Chuanzhi appeared on the first grade textbook for honesty education in the primary and secondary school students in Fujian Province, and it was still used as the textbook.The first article.

According to Chinese social media Weibo and WeChatOn the first day of the start of school in September, an article entitled by Liu Chuanzhi entitled to the time of the primary and middle school students in Fujian Province was a first -year textbook.(Internet)
The main content description of Liu Chuanzhi of the time of timeLiu Chuanzhi is a time -conservative person who has never been late to participate in the event, and vividly describes Liu Chuanzhi's little story.(Internet)

This article with a small number of words, the main content description Liu Chuanzhi is a time -definition person, and the participation of the event is almost late, and vividly describes Liu Chuanzhi's little story.It wrote: "One time, he was late for 7 minutes at a leadership meeting, and he was punished for half an hour. At that time, someone advised him:" Mr. Liu, you don't need to punish himself. This is an accident.'It turns out that a elevator suddenly had a failure, and Liu Chuanzhi was trapped in it for 30 minutes. Liu Chuanzhi's answer was: "Anyway, I want to be responsible for others' time, not the accident of myself!"The article shows the full image of Liu Chuanzhi's time, but stepped on other entrepreneurs and officials.The article said, "Not a few entrepreneurs in China can be able to keep the time." The implication is that they are not as good as Liu Chuanzhi in terms of time and contract.From the perspective of the side, it may also have the meaning of degrading their business ability.Liu Chuanzhi is the founder of Lenovo Group. He led this well -known Chinese technology company for many years. In 2005, he was once supported by Chinese public opinion as "the light of the nation" because of the acquisition of the IBM personal computer business of the American company.At the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening up, Liu Chuanzhi was also awarded the title of "Science and Technology Industrialization Pioneer".

Lenovo Group in 2005 due to acquisition of American companies IBMPersonal computer business was once supported by Chinese public opinion as "the light of the nation."(Reuters archives)

The majority of students read the article of integrity education textbooks. They may be just a time -conservative entrepreneur, but they do n’t see their parents or others.The same.Liu Chuanzhi, a legend with many controversials, can be selected as a teaching material, and the public opinion view is almost negative."The textbook is the king of jokes" "Is it difficult for China to find a time -conservative person for 5,000 years?" "Standing for half an hour. Do you believe in such a bridge?"That's right, but Liu Chuanzhi, who is controversial, is a benchmark. What is the intention of the person? Related persons, please come out to explain it! "Some netizens revealed that Liu Chuanzhi appeared on the topic of the textbook on Weibo.However, it was suspected that it was suspected of being restricted and the heat was greatly reduced.Nevertheless, under the pressure of public opinion, it is reported that the books have been quietly recovered. As for which unit is responsible for handling, there are divergent opinions, and so far, there is no official standing to make a response.However, the textbook of the Internet is published by the Fujian Provincial Integrity Promotion Association and Straits Literature and Art Publishing House.According to public information, the Fujian Provincial Integrity Promotion Association was established in 2004. It is a social organization that is voluntary research, publicity and promotion of social integrity construction by people of all walks of life in Fujian Province and all strata.qualifications.Its business unit is the Fujian Provincial Social Sciences Federation, and the registration management organ is the Fujian Provincial Department of Civil Affairs.As for Straits Literature and Art Publishing House, it was established in 1984. It is a professional publisher mainly based on publishing literature, culture and art books, and the only professional literary and artistic publishing institution in Fujian Province.Throughout the above, in terms of level, the time -consuming deeds preached in the textbook should be affirmed.However, Zhou Yun, a professor at South China University of Technology, believes that the textbook represents the "three levels", namely national will, mainstream ideology, and mainstream values.Therefore, Zhou Yun believes that controversial people and things should try to avoid selected textbooks.Zhou Yun wrote in the Yangcheng Evening News on September 2 that many things involved in Liu Chuanzhi were circulating on the Internet, but the judicial organs did not set their behavior to these actions.In other words, "he has not yet been identified by the law."However, Zhou Yun also said: "Aside from the law, Liu Chuanzhi said, and those who can hammered in real values. In such a background, Liu Chuanzhi who stayed in time entered the textbook.It is inappropriate to come. "In other words, Chinese society's evaluation of Liu Chuanzhi is halfway. If you want to write the story of the controversial figure into the textbook, at least you have to wait until there is a clear conclusion.The evaluation of Liu Chuanzhi on Internet public opinion has long -term polarization disputes.After he stepped down as chairman of Lenovo in 2019 and announced his retirement, some people thought that this was the glorious curtain of a legendary entrepreneur, and some people grasped some controversy points.One is about the dispute between Liu Chuanzhi and then Lenovo chief engineer Ni Guangnan.Liu Chuanzhi wants to make money to make money. Ni Guangnan has to do technical research and development. Ni Guangnan finally came out in the struggle, and Lenovo embarked on the development path of heavy market and light technology.Some public opinion is considered a very short -sighted approach, leading to Lenovo's contribution to China's core technical competitiveness.There are also several articles on the Internet that the old accounts have turned over, questioning Liu Chuanzhi in the process of controlling Lenovo's stock reform that year.EssenceIn 2021, the Chinese Internet Big V Sima Nan also sent seven videos to bombard Liu Chuanzhi, setting off a wave of questioning and accusations on the Internet.

Today Sima Nan, 66, in the last centuryIn the 1990s, he was named after revealing pseudo -qigong and fake gods. He was nominated for "outstanding social figures for 30 years of reform and opening up".

Lenovo issued a statement at the time to respond that the equity transfer of that year was legal and denied the company's state -owned assets.Liu Chuanzhi's daughter Liu Qing is the chief operating officer of Didi Chuxing, a Chinese online car giant.Public opinion that supports Liu Chuanzhi believes that Liu Chuanzhi is not just a "corporate godfather", but family education is also successful, and he has cultivated his daughter into talents.However, Didi was frustrated in 2021 and was listed in the United States for less than a few daysIt was accused of serious illegal illegal collection and use of personal information, and was removed from the shelves in China.Later, Liu Qing was not only bombed by public opinion, but also Liu Chuanzhi was criticized together.

Liu Qing (right) and his father Liu Chuanzhi.(Internet)

For Liu Chuanzhi himself, the point of dissatisfaction and anger of netizens is the old age he had voted for Qualcomm of American companies at the 5G voting meeting in 2016.In the context of the continuous friction between China and the United States, Liu Chuanzhi was destined to be stir -fried and argued by netizens from time to time.In the third month after Didi got out of the storm, Lenovo became the topic of public opinion due to the Chinese A -share science board of China A -share science and technology board.However, the disputed point proposed this time mainly focused on the news that he received a salary of 100 million yuan after retirement.Although Lenovo jumped out and clarified that the incident was "seriously false", as "common prosperity" became the melody of Chinese society, big entrepreneurs like Liu Chuanzhi, the distinctive and positive image in the hearts of the Chinese people, it has been beaten, less or less,Discount.In April of this year, Liu Chuanzhi's father and daughter double -empty Weibo also aroused discussion among netizens.Looking back at Liu Chuanzhi's controversy over the years, we can clearly see that he has slipped from the position of the "godfather" altar in the year, and has slipped step by step to the entrepreneurial entrepreneurs who have been evaluated by the outside world. In addition to the major environmental factors,For example, in the context of continuous economic slowdown, the public's dissatisfaction with entrepreneurs has increased.Today's public opinion field has gradually been replaced by noise, not the whole picture of the facts. This is undoubtedly a test and challenge for many people, especially those with popularity.Under the circumstances of Liu Chuan Zhishou Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi, the outside world can not see the whole picture.Interestingly, Liu Chuanzhi said in an interview, "I am just a passenger who does not write biography and does not want to write books.He also said: "The tide of history flipped up. When the enterprise did a good job, you can also talk about it, wait until it is over, and you are not at this center point. You still say this, it is a joke."It is both an iconic figure in the Chinese business community and the controversial figures of the public opinion field. Liu Chuanzhi after retirement continues.His every move and the story about him are destined to have endless associations.The joke is wise.