
Jingqiang Xinyun

A new academic paper entitled by the "retreat of the country" during the Ming and Qing Dynasties recently stirred up Chinese public opinion, and caused a discussion on the "closed -locking country" in the intellectual world.

This article signed the "Research Team of the Chinese History Research Institute", which was first launched on June 25th in journal history research. It was not noticed by the outside world until August 24th from the WeChat public account of the China History Research Institute.Essence

This papers of nearly 16,000 words analyzed the research of the academic community on the problem of "closing the country", the conceptual origin of the "retreat locking country", the external environment faced by China during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and the foreign policy at that time.

The article believes that conservative, backward, and closed are not the main content of Chinese society during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, nor the full picture of foreign exchanges during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.Getting "replace.

The article also demonstrates the rationality of the "autonomous limit", emphasizing that "limited level" is an independent behavior. "Its motivation is to maintain land safety and cultural security, and to face external disturbances, especially in the face of the threat of Western colonial aggression.At the time, the defensive self -protection strategy is adopted. "

Since the author of the article is a research group composed of the Chinese History Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, historical research is also the core journal of Chinese historical categories. This paper gives the outside world a lot of associations: This is a pure academic academicDo you want to release a certain political signal on behalf of the official and present and serve the present?

In the past few days, this article has set off a stir in the intellectual world, and has also attracted sharp criticism.Some people believe that this article is a case of "retreat locking country" policy in the Ming and Qing dynasties. It is to re -interpret history and rationalize some of the current reality.The voice of criticism pointed out: "Considering the current situation, the intention of this article is self -evident. Through beautification, praise, and rationalizing the" retreat locking country "policy to create theoretical and historical and long -term support."

In all fairness, it is determined that this article is to defend foreign policy in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and promote the "retreat to lock the state of interest", which is biased.Although the article proposes that it cannot deny the history with the "retreat of the country" and explain the rationality of the "autonomous limit", it also criticizes the "autonomous limit" and proposes the limitations of this.

The article believes that the practice of "autonomous limit" has caused negative defense, so that the rulers of the Ming and Qing Dynasties "self -consistent levels can resolve the invasion of Westerners and can stabilize the country."the goal of.In addition, the "autonomous limit" allowed China to indifferent to the Western advanced technology and exacerbated the backwardness of military and technology. This laid a foreshadowing for a certain extent to the passive beating situation in modern China.

This article stirred public opinion. In the final analysis, it is still because people are concerned about the history of the "retreat of the country", and this kind of concern corresponds to the environment in China.

First of all, the increasingly severe geopolitical environment.Sino -US relations have been in the low valley for decades, the scope of the game between the two countries has continued to expand, and Washington is also vigorously attracting allies to form a surge in Beijing.Faced with the "decourse" and "disconnect chain" promoted by the United States, especially in the tight blockade of high -tech fields, Chinese senior management has repeatedly emphasized that it is necessary to innovate independently in core technologies and solve the problem of "card neck".After Pelosi visited Taiwan, the risk of military conflicts in the Taiwan Strait rose sharply. Beijing believes that it will also deduce extreme conditions such as the war of the Taiwan Strait.Especially after the Russian and Ukraine War, Beijing will learn lessons from the isolation faced by Russia, and emphasizes self -reliance and exacerbates the concerns of China's forced closure.

Followed by the crown disease epidemic.After the outbreak of the epidemic in 2020, China insisted on the "clearing zero" policy, strictly "foreign defense input", and put forward the economic concept of "large domestic cycle" to seek internal demand to ensure the economy.The "clear zero" epidemic prevention policy is highly restricted, and the exchanges between China and the outside world are deeply affected.With more and more countries loosening epidemic prevention policies and open borders, China's rigid approach has left the impression that "retreat to lock the country".

Furthermore is the political atmosphere before the 20th National Congress.The Politburo meeting of the Communist Party of China just announced on Tuesday (August 30) that the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will be held on October 16th, and the leadership team of the Communist Party of China will usher in a generalization.

At this special time point, the stability of the overall situation of society is the top priority for seniors, and various information that interfere with domestic stability has also made the official highly vigilant. Therefore, the environment of Chinese public opinion faces high -pressure control.

After the "retreat locking country" papers spread, articles on the Internet have emerged endlessly, but a few of them have been blocked in social media, which has even more attracted China ’s view of remarks and ideas.

The results of more than 40 years of reform and opening up have proved that whether it is "retreat" or "autonomous limit" is not a way out for China.After the crown disease epidemic, China's decision -making level also stated on different occasions to hold high the banner of reform and opening up, emphasizing that the decapanials are not unable to do it.This shows that Beijing realizes that only by opening the door and deep bundling with the outside world can we avoid being decoupled and broken.Compared with the announcement of the decision -making level, the current situation still makes many people see different pictures, and is deeply disturbed.What if this is not the case, how can an academic papers arouse thousands of waves?