(Chengdu Comprehensive News) Sichuan heavy rain relieves electricity tensions. The official responds to the first -level emergency response of the energy supply guarantee of emergencies to the second level.

According to the emergency plan, the first level represents "particularly serious", which is marked as red, which is more severe than the second (severe), the third (more serious), and the fourth (general).

Comprehensive China CCTV News and Chinanews.com reported that the Sichuan Energy Emergency Office decided to adjust the first -level emergency response to a secondary emergency response from 0:00 on Monday (29th).The Energy Emergency Office said that the adjustment was due to the recent decline in the temperature in Sichuan Province, the increase in rainfall, the increasing water from the watershed, the improvement of power supply capacity, and the contradiction between power supply and demand have been relieved to a certain extent.

heavy rainfall causes 35,000 people to afford to afford

Japan Economic News previously reported that Toyota Motors and Foxconn's factories in Sichuan have resumed work.

On the other hand, the Sichuan Provincial Emergency Management Department revealed on Monday that the heavy rainfall on August 27 caused more than 35,000 people in Mianyang, Ya'an, and Pakistani.Essence

China Central Meteorological Observatory continues to issue heavy rain blue warnings on Monday. It is expected that from Monday to Tuesday (August 30), there are heavy rainstorms in some areas in Shaanxi, Sichuan Basin, Chongqing and other places, and the precipitation can reach 100 to 190 mm.It is also accompanied by strong convection weather such as short -term and heavy precipitation and local mines.

Meteorological experts remind that the duration of this rainfall process is long, the Sichuan Basin, southern Shaanxi and other places have a large amount of rainfall. It is necessary to turn waterlogging after preventing drought, especially southern Shaanxi, northeast of Sichuan, northern Chongqing and other places.Mountain floods and geological disasters have a higher risk of meteorology.