Chinese official and official media, this week has echoed at least three times this week that China has not relaxed the prevention policies of epidemic prevention.Scholars of interviewees analyzed that China's epidemic prevention policy is inclined to economic development, but the central government strives to accurately regulate the prevention of epidemic prevention and strictly prevent the extremes of localizing and vigorously relaxing prevention and control.

Following the China Customs General Administration of Customs shows that China has canceled the entry -retired personnel's nucleic acid declaration "not to relax prevention and control", the Chinese official media Economic Daily also spoke, emphasizing that "the adjustment of epidemic prevention measures cannot be misunderstood."

Scholars of interviewed scholars analyzed that China's epidemic prevention policy is tilting towards economic development, but the central government has tried to accurately regulate the prevention of epidemic prevention and strictly prevent localities from moving to the extremes of preventing and controlling prevention and control.

In the context of the decline in China's main economic data in July, the tug of saw between China's epidemic prevention and stable economy further intensified, and the official announced the adjustment of epidemic prevention policies for more than a week.

The China Customs General Administration announced on August 25 that the new version of the entry and exit health statement card will be launched from the 31st to cancel the declaration information of nucleic acid detection information, past infections, and vaccination date of entry -exit personnel;The executive meeting of the State Council shows that it will facilitate the entry and exit of business personnel; the embassies of the Chinese embassies in the United States, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore and other countries have also announced that from the 24th, the business travel card of the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) business travel card will be available to the 24th.Foreigners who are engaged in business activities, and foreign students who hold effective learning residence permits do not need to re -apply for visa to China.

A new round of policy adjustments to entry personnel, re -ignition China's argument that it may relax the prevention and control measures of the epidemic.The Economic Daily published an article on Saturday (August 27) that the signature "Wu Jiajia" pointed out that it has shortened the isolation time of the entry personnel and the close -ups, and at the same time relaxes the policies of some people's inter -provincial flow. "This has caused some people to prevent precautions.Control the misunderstanding of 'more loose'.

The article emphasizes that the adjustment of Chinese epidemic prevention measures is by no means a signal of "relaxation" or "lying down", but a powerful measure to further improve the scientific and accuracy of epidemic prevention and control.choose".

As of August 26, the number of infected people in China still reached 1356, and local cases have occurred in more than 20 provinces.The article reminds all places that while adjusting the prevention and control measures based on its own actual situation and due to the situation due to the situation, we must pay attention to effectively solidify the important mark and the first line of defense, and we should also resolutely prevent simplification, "one -size -fits -all" and "layer layers".

China's official and official media, this week has echoed at least three times this week that China has not relaxed the prevention policy.On the 23rd, the Global Times quoted Lu Hongzhou, Dean of Shenzhen Third People's Hospital, saying that international students are welcome to go to China to not mean that China relax the prevention and control measures, nor does it mean that China has abandoned the "dynamic clearing zero" general policy.

The person in charge of the Port Supervision Department of the General Administration of Customs also stated on the 26th that the requirements for adjusting the health statement card and canceling the declaration requirements for the inspection information of nucleic acid testing of entry -exit personnel "not to relax prevention and control, but to improve the efficiency of declaration."

Tang Renwu, Dean of the Government Management Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, was analyzed during an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that only the last season of China to promote the economy this year. The official currently "economic considerations are relatively large".Pull economic development.

China is about to enter the school season in September. On the 26th, the Ministry of Education of China released the latest plan for the prevention and control of the school epidemic. It is clearly requested that all localities must not take "layer" measures such as centralized isolation in low -risk zones.At the same time, the results of nucleic acid detection results are mutually recognized nationwide.

Tang Renwu pointed out that the local government has long existed in the problem of "you relax one inch and I relax one foot", which is easy to turn from an extreme extreme from the epidemic prevention to another extreme.How to accurately adjust epidemic prevention measures in various places and find a "fit point" between strict prevention and control and economic development, and people's convenience have always been a problem faced in the process of implementing the epidemic prevention policy in China.