In 2020 when the crown disease epidemic was outbreak, the birth rate of the national population in China (that is, the ratio of the number of births per thousand people) fell below 10 ‰ for the first time, reaching only 8.52 ‰, setting a new low in 1978; this number was further further in 2021Fall and reach 7.52 ‰.

The impact of the fertility rate of the crown disease is more prominent."Deep changes".

The China Health Construction Commission on August 1st in the publication of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the first time that the "14th Five -Year Plan" period of China's total population growth (2021 to 2025) will enter the negative growth stage, which will make China fertility rate again again.trigger the alarm.

According to Reuters reported on Tuesday (August 23), when responding to the inquiry of Reuters on the issue of fertility rates in China, the Heades Construction Commission further pointed out the impact of the epidemic on China's marriage rate and fertility rate.

The Health Construction Commission wrote in writing that many women continued to postpone their plans to get married and have children, and the rapid economic and social development brought "profound changes" to them.The Health Construction Commission also shows that crown disease has a significant impact on the arrangement and fertility of some people.

The Health Construction Commission said that other factors affecting China's fertility rate also include the migration of the young population to the city, the young people spend a longer time in their own education, and the high -pressure working environment.

In 2020 when the crown disease epidemic was outbreak, the birth rate of the national population in China (that is, the ratio of the number of births per thousand people) fell below 10 ‰ for the first time, reaching only 8.52 ‰, setting a new low in 1978; this number was further further in 2021Fall and reach 7.52 ‰.

The former deputy dean of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and a member of the Central Bank Monetary Policy Committee Cai Yan have warned earlier this year that China "is completely likely" to reach the peak of China's population in 2022.The population and labor green paper released in 2019: The report of the Chinese population and labor issues was originally estimated that the Chinese population will reach its peak in 2029, and it will enter continuous negative growth from 2030.

Jiang Quanbao, a professor at the Institute of Population and Development of Xi'an Jiaotong University, was analyzed during an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that the impact of the epidemic on China was comprehensive. Young people faced employment pressure during the epidemic; women were closed due to childcare institutions, schools were suspended from schools.Facing a greater family burden on protective measures; the hospital uses most of the medical resources for the prevention and control of the epidemic, causing some family -age couples to lack a sense of security for health and safety. These are the reasons for the overall marriage and fertility rate.

Shen Xiuhua, an associate professor of the Institute of Sociology, Tsinghua University in Taiwan, pointed out that the decline in marriage and fertility rate in mainland China is a general trend that is difficult to reverse. The epidemic is only further highlighting some long -term political, social and economic issues.

She pointed out that many countries also face the problem of declining marriage and fertility during the epidemic, but as these countries relax the prevention and control policies of the epidemic, the fertility rate has risen slightly.However, the overall atmosphere of epidemic prevention in China is still highly tense, which will cause young people who originally wanted to get married and have children after the epidemic to further extend these plans.

China has stepped up the three -child policy in the past month

Over the past month, China has stepped up to promote the encouragement of fertility policies.On August 16th, the guidance issued by 17 departments including the National Health and Health Commission and the National Development and Reform Commission, trying to promote the implementation of the three -child policy through financial, education, housing and other relevant policies.

The State Council of the Chinese State Council also announced on the 19th that the State Council Optimized Policy Work Department, which is composed of 26 party and government departments and units, including the China National Health and Health Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and strengthened the organization and leadership of the optimization of maternity policy work.Essence

Jiang Quanbao believes that these measures show that the Chinese government's attitude and determination to encourage and support fertility, but there are still many details that need to be refined under the guidance.The departments jointly introduced the rules, and the grass -roots government has some difficulties in specific implementation.

(Reporter is a special agent in Beijing)