Five departments Encourage the cooperation of yacht backbone enterprises and university colleges to create high -level innovation carriers to achieve major breakthroughs in the research and development and design of Volkswagen, new energy yachts.not According to the People's Daily Online (August 18), the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of TransportAnd the implementation opinion of industrial development, Promote the innovation and development of the yacht industry .not It is reported that the cruise yacht industry chain has a long industry chain and has a large driving effect, which helps improve the level of modern service industry and promote the development of marine economy.There is still a gap in the aspects of marketing, market maturity, and popularization of consumption.not Opinions emphasize that it is necessary to vigorously develop cruise tourism, expand the demand for consumer market, promote the construction of international cruise home ports in Sanya, and promote the development of cruise tourism in large coastal cities such as Shanghai to build a group of international first -class cruise tourism destinations.The construction of the Hainan Yacht Industry Reform and Development and Innovation Pilot Zone supports the development of innovative yachts in the coastal cities such as Dalian and Qingdao, builds a number of yacht demonstration projects suitable for mass consumption, and support Hainan to take the lead in carrying out yacht leasing pilots.notIt is pointed out that it is necessary to support conditions in the coastal areas, the Yangtze River Basin, and the Xijiang River Basin to develop the domestic waterway tourism boutique routes, and on the basis of improving the fixed -line ship tourism products, the theme voyage and customized services are launched.notIt is also proposed that the construction of cruise ships should be strengthened to steadily promote domestic large -scale cruise projects; it is also necessary to enhance the ability of cruise research and development, design and construction capabilities, focus on international mainstream large and medium -sized cruise ships, take into account professional small cruise ships such as polarsTechnical research, improve advanced manufacturing and engineering management capabilities, and create a new generation of research and development and manufacturing integrated collaborative platform.notIt also stated that it is necessary to strengthen the integration and core equipment of cruise systems, break the key technologies and equipment of maritime cruise rescue, and accelerate technical application research and test verifications of big data, cloud computing, 5G mobile communications, artificial intelligence, Beidou navigation, satellite communication, etc.