Sichuan high -temperature heat waves continued, and mountain fires occurred in Fuling District, Chongqing, and no casualties were caused.

China CCTV News quoted the Chongqing Fire Rescue Corps reported that there were two forest fires occurred at 5 pm at 5 pm on Wednesday (August 17) in Lili Street, Fuling District, Chongqing.Fire is still in the process of saving.

The video of the Internet shows that the mountain fire spreads, the fire was flourishing, and some firefighters were rescue.

The Chongqing Emergency Administration responded to the reporter on Wednesday night that there was no casualties report.

A press conference of high -temperature drought resistance work press conferences on Wednesday of Chongqing City. This summer, there have been two forest fires in Chongqing this summer, with an area of 17.6 acres of damaged forests.The forest fire risk orange and red warning signals have been released twice. Among them, the red warning signal has continued for 13 days and is still continuing.

According to the high temperature list of the Central Meteorological Observatory, from 9:00 on Wednesday to 2 pm, the top ten in the high temperature are all in the Sichuan -Chongqing area, including seven places in Chongqing;℃, the highest temperature of the station reached 44.6 ° C that day, refreshing the local highest temperature pole value record.