Experts interpreted that six economic provinces in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, Henan, and Sichuan have contributed the most to the central government.Set the growth goals to ensure stability of China's national financial resources.

The Chinese economic recovery slowly slowed in July. Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang requested that it accounted for about 40 % of China's economic provinces with a total economic province with about 40 % of the economic provinces on Tuesday (August 16) to play a key role in stable economic support.

Interviewed experts interpreted that the six major economic provinces contributed the greatest financial contribution to the central government. Li Keqiang's latest statement shows that he hopes that these provinces will try to achieve the growth goals set at the beginning of the year to ensure the stability of national financial resources.

Chinese official and Prime Minister Li Keqiang, on Tuesday, was publicly launched in Jinzhou, Liaoning and Shenzhen, Guangdong. It was the first public appearance in the past two weeks, indicating that the CCP leaders have ended their two -week vacation in Beidaihe for a period of two weeks.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Li Keqiang hosted a symposium on the main person in charge of the Economic Provincial Government in Shenzhen on Tuesday.

Li Keqiang pointed out that the economy continued to resume the development trend in July, but there was still a slight fluctuation. "The node that is currently in the most stable economic stabilization must consolidate the foundation of economic recovery development with the sense of urgency." HeIt is also required to rationally increase the macro policy, and strive to stabilize employment and prices.

Economist: The road of economic recovery will definitely still "twists and twists"

China National Bureau of Statistics announced the latest macro data on Monday, showing that in July, the total retail sales of consumer goods and industrial added value in July were lower than market expectations.

Wang Jun, director of the China Chief Economist Forum, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Li Keqiang's assessment of the economic situation in July was to "take a prevention needle" to the market, indicating that the road of economic recovery in the future will definitely be "twists and turns."He pointed out that the People's Bank of China accidentally cut interest rate cuts and release policies on Monday, and fiscal expansion will be one of the focus of the next step in the next step.

Li Keqiang pointed out on Wednesday that six large economic provinces have more than 40 % of the country's economic development in total economic, market entities, and employment, which is the "pillar" of China's economic development.He encouraged the potential of his own policy to tap his own policy, stabilize local and foreign migrant workers to employment, and at the same time he tried more ways to promote consumption, revitalize the space limit space, expand effective investment and drive consumption.

Li Keqiang said that stable economy is also a stable source of wealth for the financial work of the large economic province;Essence

Securities Times quoted Li Chao, chief economist of Zhejiang Business Securities, analyzed that Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shandong, Zhejiang, Henan and other provinces ranked among the top five last year.The national economy formed a leading role in the locomotive.He believes that one of the main paths for China's economic restoration in the second half of the year is to rely on economic provinces to drive national economic growth.

Wang Jun analyzed that six large economic provinces are all large -scale provinces, and have a strong leading role.Can maintain stability.

He also pointed out that when the overall economy across the country is facing difficulties, the Eastern Economic provinces have a better foundation, stronger development, and greater anti -risk capabilities.The Politburo of the Communist Party of China held a meeting at the end of July this year, and also proposed that "the big economic province must be brave to pick the beam, and the provinces with conditions to strive to complete the expected goal of economic and social development."

Wang Jun interpreted that Li Keqiang's latest statement not only was in line with the Politburo meeting, but also had strong targetedness, that is, the six economic provinces were required to achieve the growth goals set at the beginning of the year as much as possible. "These provinces are important.The responsibility is to contribute to the income of positive growth in the country's financial resources. "(If the central government) does not have the stability of national financial resources, it is difficult to implement the next steady growth measures ... (for) the ability to transfer payment in other provinces will also be affected."

Li Keqiang also visited BYD Shenzhen headquarters on Wednesday.He said that China will continue to adopt a policy of stimulating electric vehicle production and purchase.

Wang Jun said that the field of new energy vehicles is one of the few hot spots in the current consumer field. Li Keqiang's inspection BYD shows that China attaches importance to investment in the new energy industry and will also increase its efforts to promote this new growth point.

(Reporter is United Morning Post )