The attractive Chinese real estate market has once again become the focus of public opinion.

The CPC Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Political and Legal Committee reported on Tuesday (August 16) of the Rule of Law Daily (August 16).Chaos.These chaos include: "(Buy) a 110 -square -meter house, but only more than 60 square meters left after the hand", "Real estate sales staff promised to be 31%of the public roll area, but the house area was 46%after the house arrived."Essence

As soon as the report came out, the decades of public roll area system has once again become the focus of discussion among netizens.As of Wednesday (August 17), the relevant posts of "whether the bars can be canceled" have received 240 million reading on Weibo.

Related to the bass area systemThe report caused Chinese netizens to discuss the publicity.The picture shows the residential community project in Dongguan City, Guangdong Province in July this year.(Agence France -Presse)

Chinese netizens generally agree with the cancellation of the rumor area system, because the buying house is transparent and fair, and the retaining publicity buyers will continue to "spend a lot of money to buy a hut".It harms their interests; the other voice believes that the cancellation of the ballast area system will push up house prices, which will also endanger the interests of buyers.

"Zhongxin Jingwei" opened a vote on Weibo on Tuesday. The results showed that up to 96%of netizens agreed to cancel the bald area, and only 3%of the netizens disagreed.

In fact, the area of the pool has been made in China for many years, and the cancellation voice has not stopped.However, how it is tied with the pre -sale system to become the "two major tumors" in the Chinese real estate in the mouth of the netizen, which must start with the system itself.

The rumor area system introduced from Hong Kong

Buying a house in China, the total construction area marked on the purchase contract will basically not be owned by the buyer, it will be split into itTwo parts: the building area and publicly allocated building area.Among them, the construction area in the set is the actual part of the buyer, that is, the area that can be moved after closing the door.

But the area of the public rhyme is different. It is not owned by the buyer. It is the remaining public facilities and houses that serve the entire building after subtracting the building area of the whole building, includingElevator shafts, stairwells, garbage channels, etc., sometimes include partition walls between households.

China as early as December 1995 that the total sales area of commercial housing should include the construction area of the building and the shared construction area; in June 2001The area and the shared construction areas.

The focus of public opinion this time should be whether the "public roll area" should be included in the total construction area and allows buyers to bear the construction cost of this area.

In fact, as early as the 1950s and 1960s, Hong Kong has adopted the concept of a publicity.At that time, the residential buildings in Hong Kong were sold according to the entire building or the entire floor. However, because the threshold for buying a house was too high, the developer was sold at the households, and the construction costs of public spaces such as the entrance hall, the aisas, and the staircase were passed on the households.

Hong Kong in the last century In the 1950s and 1960sAdopt the concept of "publicity".The picture shows the Hong Kong residential and commercial tower landscape shot from above this year.(Agence France -Presse)

The development of the developer is to split the construction area into two parts, among which the area of the public space is divided in proportion to each resident.The concept of the "bass area" emerges from this.

The standard definition of opaque or unified area

However, the current law and regulations in China have no standard definition of the "public area". ThereforeMany chaotic phenomena, including not inform buyers in advance, are not disclosed and transparent.

The Rule of Law Daily interviewed a home buyer Li Li. In 2018, she bought a house with a total area of 110.25 square meters in a community in Qingdao, Shandong Province.Before signing the contract, she emphasized that she had repeatedly confirmed that the border area would be around 31%of the salesperson, that is, the construction area of the inner set was 75.24 square meters, and the construction area of the pool was 35.01 square meters.

But when Li Li closed in the house in 2021, it was the ultra -thick wall, forced space, and three poor bedrooms. The master bedroom could not even put a double bed.After being measured, it was found that the area that was originally promised to 31%became 46%, and the internal area was shrunk from the 75 square meters specified in the contract to 61 square meters, and it cost 1.2 million yuan (about S $ 244,200) to hand.The house, nearly half of them lived in my own.

Opponents, different claims before and after developers, and uniform definitions of no law, so that Chinese home buyers have no confidence in such a system.In addition, because the calculation of the bass area has a certain degree of professionalism, the buyers are basically unable to calculate the bass area by themselves, giving the developer and the opportunity to drill the air in the air.Account.

Comprehensive factors, it is not difficult to understand why the Chinese people are so opposed to the system system.

It is difficult to reaching a consensus on the public.

So, is it necessary to exist such a "pit father" system?In fact, Hong Yang, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, proposed to cancel the publicity at the two national sessions in March this year.He believes that the area of the pool lacks legal basis and institutional constraints, and invisible or not, but buyers must bear a lot of costs for this.

The half -month talk of Xinhua News Agency also issued a document in February this year to support the cancellation of the public.The article believes that the calculation of public space is always a "confused account". The cancellation of the rumors can also prevent the greasy and loopholes derived from its derived. From the source to avoid a large number of contradictions and disputes, ensuring that market transactions are more fair and transparent.

However, experts generally believe that it is difficult for Chinese officials to reach internal consensus on whether it is temporarily eliminated by whether to cancel the publicity, and the possibility of full cancellation of the publicity is unlikely.It is more critical to strengthen the system, strengthen supervision and improve the transparency of the system, and solve the asymmetric information between buyers and developers.

Experts generally believe that It is difficult for Chinese officials to beReaching internal consensus on the cancellation of the publicity issues, the possibility of full cancellation of the publicity is unlikely.The picture shows the residential building project of China Evergrande Group in Beijing in July this year, and the project is still under construction.(Bloomberg)

Lou Jianbo, director of the Real Estate Law Research Center of Peking University, believes that the bass area is objectively existing, and it is not unreasonable to charge them. From the perspective of home buyers, they may not be happy to seeThe ownership of the public part is in the hands of the developer.

Many experts also believe that once the publicity is canceled, the developerIt will not be able to obtain benefits from the publicity mechanism.Without passing the cost to residents and keeping house prices reasonable, they may no longer pay so much attention to the construction of the stars, which will affect the quality of the community environment and the overall construction of the house.

Many experts believe that Once you cancel the public,Developers may no longer pay attention to the construction of the publicity part, which will affect the quality of the overall construction of the house.The picture shows the construction site of Evergrande Group's residential project in Zhumadian City, Henan Province last September.(Bloomberg Archives)

Zhang Dawei, chief analyst of Zhongyuan Real Estate, also pointed out that the smaller area of the public storage area is better.In public areas such as the lobby, the construction cost of the construction cost that the home buyers may not have to be digested by the public area, regardless of the buyers.

It can be seen from this that it can be disappeared by "one -size -fits -all" to fully cancel the spread of the public.Without the publicity, how to manage the bars area and how to ensure that developers will not pass the cost of building the construction cost that cannot be digested to the buyers, which will be a problem that must be resolved in the future.

"Opinion" and housing justice

In recent years, under the strong supervision of the Chinese government, the real estate market as the pillar of China's economy has fallen into a downturn.When this was reflected in the weak economic data in the first two quarters of this year, the official began to slow down its supervision, and encouraged the public to buy real estate and try to boost the real estate market to drive the domestic economy.

However, as one of the important issues that affect the Chinese people's hearts as one of the people, the Chinese people often pay attention to whether the housing justice can be guaranteed after spending their own savings to buy real estate.The previous "rotten tail building" is related to the security of the people to buy a house; and the "confused account" of this publicity is related to the sense of balance and obtained by the public.

Even if these subjective feelings are not reflected in economic data, they are the key to restoring the public's confidence in the real estate market.