An accident drowning occurred in Mian County, Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province, China, and five drowned.

The News Office of the People's Government of Mian County, Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province reported on Wednesday (August 17) through the official Weibo "Mianxian Waixuan" notification, and an accident occurred on Monday (15th) of the county mayor.The drowning incident drowned.

The notice stated that at 6 o'clock on Monday night, the cadres of Quanzui Village, Changgouhe Town found the floating body floating on the river in the Heidanzi section of the Yanhe River, and immediately called the police and reported to the local government.Mianxian organized forces for the first time and rushed to the scene to conduct search and rescue. Five people were salvaged from the river, and there were no vital signs.

The notification stated that after the on -site exploration of the public security organs, five people were initially determined that five people were drowning.The aftermathing work is currently underway.

Reminder that the weather is hot, and the public should enhance the sense of safety prevention.