In the context of severe crown disease, Hainan officially issued a post that the local disciplinary inspection and supervision organs at all levels should strengthen their style guarantee, and investigate and deal with a group of violations of disciplinary violations and loss of duty during the prevention and control of the epidemic situation., Handle to five epidemic prevention personnel.

According to the "Clean Hainan" WeChat public account, these five are members of the party group, deputy director of the Health and Health Commissioner of Jiyang District, Sanya City, Lin Huiyu, and the hotline telephone leader Xing TuraWu Tingli, member of the Taiping Community Neighborhood Committee of the Bay Office, Wu Tinggang, deputy leader of the Hai Ka Village Villagers Group, and Zhou Ming, the deputy team leader of the Hai Kai Village villager group, and Zhou Ming, the staff of Gulou Community, Gulou Community, Fusheng Street, Qiongshan District, Haikou.

Among them, Lin Huiyin's intention to set the phone to the line status of the line, for 90 minutes, was accused of inadequate supervision and management and was reviewed and investigated.As for Xing Timin, he was terminated by the Government of Jiyang District of Sanya.

In addition, Wu Tingli and Wu Tinggang were gathered to play cards and gambled in the crowd during the duty of the epidemic prevention and duty.

Hainan, located in southern China, is the hardest hit area for this round of epidemic in China.As of Sunday (August 14), Hainan has reported more than 7,500 positive infections.

Sun Chunlan, Vice Premier of the State Council of the State Council, went to Hainan to investigate and guide the epidemic prevention work. Insufficient isolation and treatment of resources are the blocking point of the current prevention and control of Hainan epidemic.And about 150,000 tourists who stayed in the epidemic to ensure service guarantee.