China continues to face high temperature weather in many places. The Central Meteorological Terminal Sunday (August 14) continues to issue high -temperature red warning at 6 am. The temperature of some highway surface in Jiangsu is expected to reach 72 ° C.

According to China CCTV News, the Central Meteorological Observatory is expected to have during the day on August 14th, the Turpan Basin of Xinjiang and the southern Xinjiang Basin, the southern Shaanxi, southern Shanxi, southern Hebei, southern Shandong, Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Shanghai, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian, the central and eastern part of Sichuan, Chongqing, eastern Guizhou, northern Guangxi, northern Guangdong and other places will reach 35 to 39 ° C.

Among them, southern Shaanxi, southwestern Henan, southern Anhui, southern Jiangsu, Shanghai, southeast of Hubei and northwest, most Zhejiang, eastern Sichuan, central and western Chongqing, and Turpan Basin in XinjiangThe maximum temperature can also reach above 40 ° C.

The Jiangsu Meteorological Observatory also released the road temperature forecast, reminding people that when the temperature of the high temperature and the sky surface of the high temperature sky and the earth on Sunday is too high, the tire's rubber strength and curtain line power will be reduced a lot. Facing the explosive tiresDanger.The meteorological station predicts that the surface temperature of some sections will reach 68-72 ° C.

The water level from Hankou Station in Wuhan Yangtze River reached 17.55 meters at 6 pm on Saturday. The water level in the Wuhan section of the Yangtze River has also reached the lowest history since the hydrological record.

The relevant person in charge of the Office of Wuhan Flood Control and Drought Resistance Headquarters introduced that this year the Yangtze River continued to decline after entering the main flood season, and there was a rare phenomenon of anti -dead during the flood season.The reduction of water, and the continuous high temperature leads to an increase in evaporation.

Since July 9, Wuhan's precipitation is 11.7%less than the same period of the same year.The amount of water from Hankou Station in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River reached 59.184 billion cubic meters in mid -July, a decrease of 18%from the average value of 30 years.

Wuhan is increasing the water to diversify the flow of water along the river, and do a good job of reducing water and water preservation of Hukutang weir, giving full play to the comprehensive drought and disaster reduction benefits of water conservancy projects, and ensuring water for living and production.

In Zhejiang, as of 9:54 am on Sunday, 53 places issued high -temperature red warnings, setting a new record.It is reported that in the next seven days, Zhejiang will continue to be sunny and hot. The maximum temperature in most areas will be 39 to 41 ° C on Sunday and Monday, and the local area will be above 41 ° C.