China, Anhui Qianshan, Jiangsu Yangzhou and other places have issued documents to encourage rural residents to live in the county seat, and reward farmers who voluntarily withdrawn from the homestead to buy a house and buy houses.

According to Beiguo Finance reports, Qianshan City, Anhui Province issued several measures on the impact of the impact of the epidemic and promoting the virtuous circulation and healthy development of the real estate industry.Support policies such as burden also "encourage farmers into the city and settle."

According to the relevant policies introduced this time, Qianshan City gives farmers who voluntarily withdrawn from the homestead and enter the city to buy a house.Yuan) House purchase reward.

At the same time, Qianshan City shall be operated by the original homestead user to voluntarily withdrawn from the homestead and reclaim the homestead.Give reward.

Baoying County, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, also issued an implementation method on encouraging rural residents to live in the county. It encouraged rural residents to voluntarily pay for exit houses and buy houses within the county planning area.

According to the policy content, rural residents purchase new commercial houses (excluding second -hand houses) within the scope of the urban planning area of Baoying County, and voluntarily withdrawn from the legal homestead, cooperate with the house and related construction (structure)The building will be rewarded according to the actual area of the house.

Among them, if the house area of rural house sites is less than 100 square meters, Yangzhou has rewarded 230,000 yuan per household on farmers; if the house area is 100 to 200 square meters, the reward is 250,000 yuan per household;More than 270,000 yuan per household.The total amount of the award contains a paid one -time compensation for 50,000 yuan per household.

It is worth noting that all the rewards issued by Baoying County to the withdrawal of the farmers withdrawn from the homestead are settled with the settlement voucher (house ticket), and the withdrawal of the farmers in the homestead must be in principle.More than 1.5 times the total amount of settlement vouchers.

In addition to Qianshan and Yangzhou Baoying, Yanji City, Jilin Province, Funing County, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province, etc., have successively issued documents this year to encourage farmers to buy houses and introduce corresponding corresponding to the corresponding.Promotion and support policies.

In February this year, Yanji City, Jilin Province issued an implementation plan to encourage farmers to enter the city to buy a house, and subsidize subsidies for new commercial houses or second -hand buildings purchased by farmers in 2022.

It includes the only house for farmers' purchase of families, and the government refers to the total subsidy of the amount paid by the farmers paid by the farmers purchased by the house.High real estate development enterprises provide additional 1 to 2 percentage points of discounts or general housing deductions.

At the end of last year, the Jilin Provincial Department of Housing and Construction held a pilot work meeting of farmers to buy houses to buy houses.Support farmers into the city to buy a house.

Many departments in Funing County, Yancheng, Jiangsu Province have jointly issued a notice on further promoting the stable and healthy development of the real estate industry in the county.On the basis of the preferential policies of the original farm houses, policies such as giving house purchase subsidies and settlement subsidies for home settlement can be repeatedly enjoyed.

In addition, if you participate in social insurance in the name of personal names in Funing County, you can pay the housing provident fund, and you can enjoy the housing provident fund loan for 6 months and enter the county seat to buy a house.

The 14 departments of Zunyi City Housing and Urban Construction Bureau of Guizhou have recently issued a notice on the work measures to promote the virtuous circulation and healthy development of the real estate industry, which clearly stated that farmers' workers are supported by farmers to buy houses.

Zunyi City requires counties (cities, districts) to actively promote the citizenship of agricultural transfer of population, and further simplify the procedures for settlement of agricultural transfer.For migrant workers who purchase commercial housing, their land contract management rights, homestead use rights and collective economic distribution rights remain unchanged.Actively explore the rational distribution mechanism of farmers' homesteads and the reasonable distribution mechanism of land value -added income to allow farmers to have money to buy houses.

At the same time, Zunyi City also requires bank institutions to study and develop credit products suitable for migrant workers to purchase houses and support migrant workers into the city to buy houses.Governments (cities, districts) governments can adopt policies such as tax subsidies, regulatory fees, loan discounts, house purchase subsidies, and property fee subsidies to make migrant workers a long -term stable housing consumer group.For migrant workers who enter the city, the residence permit where the real estate is located can be equally enjoyed to enjoy public services such as employment, children's education, and medical care.