The General Office of the People's Government of Hubei Province issued a notice, and proposed that college students' innovation and entrepreneurship participating in basic medical insurance at the place of residence is not restricted by household registration.Entrepreneurship failures that meet the conditions of social assistance in time should be included in the corresponding scope of rescue in accordance with the prescribed procedures.

According to the surging news report, the notice issued by Hubei on further supporting college students' innovation and entrepreneurship measures mentioned that college students and college graduates who graduated within five years of graduation for the initial entrepreneurial rental venue can beThe subsidy and other subsidies such as the site rents do not exceed three years, and the subsidy standards are determined by themselves by themselves.Entrepreneurs such as incubators invested and developed by the government should arrange about 30%of venues and provide them for free college graduates.

Notice pointed out that college graduates within five years of graduation have first established small and micro enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households, private non -enterprise units, farmers' professional cooperatives, etc. in the province.For more than a person, a one -time entrepreneurial subsidy is given 5,000 yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 1,000).If the graduate graduates are engaged in individual operations and meet the prescribed conditions, they will enjoy tax reduction and exemption according to law in three years according to the limit of 1,4400 yuan per household per year.

In addition, the notification requires the role of entrepreneurial investment guidance funds at all levels, vigorously develop angel investment, venture capital, etc., and encourage various types of venture capital institutions to invest and support college entrepreneurs in the seedling period and initial stage.The maximum amount of small and micro enterprises' entrepreneurial guarantee loans to 5 million yuan is increased to 5 million yuan. For parts with more than 3 million yuan in loans, local regions can arrange discounts according to the actual situation.EssenceFor small and micro enterprises that enroll college graduates such as employment and other personnel, if they fail to reach the proportion of entrepreneurial guarantee loans, they can apply for entrepreneurial guarantee loans according to the number of people who meet the number of eligible people at a limit of 100,000 yuan per person.For conditions, personal entrepreneurial guarantee loans can be strengthened.

The notice also proposes that it will continue to implement college students 'innovation and entrepreneurial training plan, and select 5,000 national and provincial college students' innovation and entrepreneurial training programs each year.