The US media quoted sources that before Perosi, the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States, Chinese President Xi Jinping had conveyed information that is not suitable for the outbreak of comprehensive crisis in the call with US President Biden.

Perosi arrived in Taiwan on the evening of August 2 to launch a 19 -hour visit; on July 28, Xi Jinping and Biden Biden made more than two hours of calls around the issue of Taiwan.

The Wall Street Journal of the United States quoted the sources on Thursday (August 11) that Xi Jinping had warned Bayeng on the consequences of Perlus's visit to Taiwan, but it did not explain what the consequences;At the beginning of the war, both sides need to "maintain peace and security".

Liu Pengyu, a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in the United States, was asked in the discussion that in the call with Biden, "President Xi explained China's principled position on Taiwan's issue."

The news released by the Chinese official media Xinhua News Agency after the recent worship call shows that Xi Jinping explained the principle of China on the Taiwan issue in the call, emphasizing that "resolutely opposes 'Taiwan independence' division and external outsideThe interference of forces will never leave any space for any form of 'Taiwan independence' forces. "He also shows: "Resolutely safeguarding China's national sovereign and territorial integrity is the firm will of more than 1.4 billion Chinese people; public opinion cannot be contrary to the fire. I hope the United States will see this clearly."

Officials said at the time that they had stated to Beijing that the United States followed a long -term "one China" policy to support US -China relations for a long time, but members of parliament had the right to visit Taiwan.

After visiting Perlis in Pelosi, Beijing launched a large -scale large -scale "locking platform" military exercise for several days. At the same time, it suspended cooperation with some issues such as the climate in the United States.Military contact activities.

People familiar with the matter said that the seeking response to Chinese leaders must be strong, but it will not arouse the upgrade response of the United States and its allies.

However, these actions have made the relationship between China and the United States further nervous and aroused the concerns of American allies to security.Jude Blanchette, a Chinese expert at Washington Strategy and International Issues Research Center, said: "In the future, Beijing will respond to every move in Taiwan ... This will be the decisive factor in US -China relations in the next period of time."

The Wall Street Journal also said that Chinese foreign policy agencies have always been cautious when arranging contact between leaders. They are worried that soon after bilateral exchanges, the other party will lose faces once that the other party violates the interests of Beijing.

People familiar with the matter said that Xi Jinping finally decided to talk to Biden to minimize the risk of conflicting with the United States as much as possible.

The report also quoted those who understand Chinese ideas and said that Beijing was worried that Pelosi's visit to Taiwan would trigger people from all over the world to go to Taipei to form a "Domino card effect"Taiwan announced its independence.