

Northern Remember

On the same day when the military exercise was officially concluded in the eastern theater of Mainland China, Beijing issued the third white paper in Taiwan in Beijing.

The most important information released by this white paper is that Beijing's reiteration of peace reunification is still the "first choice" of the CCP and the Chinese government to solve the Taiwan issue.However, this promise should not make people think that the incident has passed, and self -hypnosis does not happen.The fact is that Perosi's "lockstand" military exercise with the PLA and the PLA permanently changed the psychological and security situation on both sides of the strait.The will and preparation direction of Beijing's "Wu Tong" show unambiguous in military operations and white paper, and it is unprecedentedly clear.

The Taiwan issue announced on Wednesday (August 10) and more than 13,000 words in the new era of China in the new era. The length is longer than the two Taiwan issues in Taiwan in 1993 and 2000, and the content is richer.The "new era" in the title of the white paper indicates that this is the official policy of Taiwan's official Taiwan policy, that is, the Chinese unified cause of the "Xi Times".

The mainland published this white paper simultaneously at the end of the Taiwan military exercise, obviously deliberately arranged.Some people in Taiwan described that at the end of the "Island Lock" military exercise, the mainland "sang a tone of the same uniform" and did not deviate from the "peace reunification, one country, two systems". It can be seen that Beijing did not give up the hope of peace.

That's what the words say, but since the "Hetong" tone sang after the island -locking military exercise, the warning meaning revealed in this order cannot be ignored.When people can completely imagine that one day when the mainland adopts "martial arts", its script will also pressure them to accept "peaceful unity" when the Taiwan soldiers come.This picture has not happened at this moment, mainly because it is not enough to the mainland when it is not "martial arts", and the preparation is not enough.

Carefully chewing the words of the white paper, in which the peaceful reunification is still the "first choice" of the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese government to solve the Taiwan problem.

The white paper is more clearly written."The last choice" of "non -peaceful ways" will be made in the case of a last resort.

As for who is external forces and a few independent separatists, the white paper does not avoid it that the former is the "some power" of the United States, and the latter is the DPP governing in Taiwan.

The white paper strictly condemn "the Democratic Progressive Party officially hooks the external forces to continuously conspire 'independence' provocation", distort and negate the 'ninety -two consensus'.DPP Chairman and Taiwan Cai Yingwen.

The white paper also states that the DPP officially endangers the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, destroying the prospects of peace and unity, and squeezing and unified space is an obstacle to strive in the process of peace.The sentence "The obstacles that must be removed" left a foreshadowing for Beijing's policy goals.

In terms of unified political design, compared with the first two white papers in 1993 and 2000 (Taiwan issues and the principles of China and a Chinese issue), Beijing's "one country, two systems" on TaiwanConditions are obviously tightening than in the past, and the courtesy obtained by Taiwan has greatly reduced.

One of the prominent points is that in the first two white papers, Beijing promised that the central government did not send troops or administrators in Taiwan. Among them, the white paper in 1993 also promised Taiwan to have its own army.Today, the third white paper has not seen the words "not sending troops and administrative personnel", let alone Taiwan can "have its own army."In addition, foreign countries set up consular agencies or other official semi -official agencies in Taiwan who need to be approved by the central government.

Inside Taiwan, folk opinion does not pay much attention to the similarities and differences between the three white paper on the mainland.This may be related to the people's aesthetic fatigue on cross -strait related news. It is more likely that in the eyes of the people in Taiwan, "two systems" are noisy and unnecessary options.The wishes of the people in Taiwan will not change Beijing's unified will, but it will inevitably affect the mainland options of "martial arts" or "Hehe".

Ironically, Taiwan's mainstream refuses to consensus on the 1992 consensus, and has not prepared for "martial arts" in terms of military and energy guarantee.Some Taiwan Blue Camp commentators are ridiculed that the preparation of the Taiwan government is "lying down", "lying flat is also a preparation."

But in fact, there are not many options for the Taiwan government.Perlis's visit to Taiwan was provoked by the United States. The US President Biden's team was unable to or even chaos. He couldn't control the Speaker of the House of Representatives who belonged to the Democratic Party to visit Taiwan.Fighting the United States and Japan.

The United States has suffered a loss this time and dare not touch the PLA, but this does not mean that the United States can give up its world hegemony.In the foreseeable future, cross -strait issues will become more and more direct collisions between China and the United States. When everyone prepares for military conflicts, the hope of and uniforms will become more and more slim.