The China Health and Health Commission said that they have carried out counterpart support to respond to the crown disease epidemic in Tibet through all aspects of the province, and believe that Tibet is capable of responding to the current epidemic.

According to the surging news report, Guo Yanhong, a supervisory commissioner of the China Health and Health Commission's Medical and Health Management Bureau, admitted at a press conference on Wednesday (August 10) that before this epidemic, there was only one local local in Tibet.Crown disease cases, so Tibet's experience in the treatment of epidemic is relatively lacking.

However, Guo Yanhong also said that the state guided Tibet to plan in advance, build a designated hospital in accordance with the size of the population, build a square cabin hospital, improve the ability of nucleic acid detection, and reserve drugs, protective supplies, and other corresponding ones in advance.Equipment and materials to prepare for the epidemic.

Guo Yanhong said: "In order to strengthen the prevention and control of the Tibet epidemic, the comprehensive group of the State Council's joint defense and control mechanism has sent a working group, and also led national experts.Experts from treatment, community prevention and control, etc., go to Tibet to guide Tibet to control the epidemic as soon as possible. "

Tibet adds 10 local diagnosis cases on Tuesday (August 9), as well as 18 local symptoms of non -symptoms.Infected.