Tudor Brown, former president of the chip design company ARM, has resigned from SMIC's board of directors and left this Chinese chip manufacturer who was hit by US sanctions.

Brown is one of the founders of ARM, and it has been 9 years since joining SMIC.The well -known engineer revealed the news on his Linkedin page on Thursday (August 11).

He wrote: "Bitter is giving paralysis today. I removed the SMIC of SMICs for nine years. International differences have been further expanded."

Brown is still China's top personal computer manufacturingDirector of Shanglianjie Group.According to his personal information, he was an important executive of ARM from 1990 to May 2012, and then SoftBank Group acquired this British company in 2016.

At the end of 2020, before the United StatesThe President Trump administration has included SMIC on the grounds of national security, and it is forbidden for American companies to sell equipment to this Chinese chip giant without permission to make equipment that can be used to make 10 nanometers and more advanced chips.