(Beijing Comprehensive News) New England Medicine (Nejm) recently published an article saying that a new type of animal -derived virus that can be transmitted to humans through animals in China has been found.No evidence is found.

Comprehensive Bloomberg and Zhongtong News Agency reported that an article cooperated with scientific researchers in China and Singapore said that the animal -derived Henipavirus was found in Shandong and Henan, China, and named it "Langya" "Langya".Langya Henipavirus (Layv).Genomic detection shows that small mammalian like mice may be a natural host of the virus.

Most of these 35 infected people are farmers who have been in contact with wild animals, and 26 people have no other pathogens.They have fever symptoms. More than half of people have fatigue, cough, anorexia, etc. 8%have renal damage to 8%.

Researchers in Beijing, Singapore and Australia said that the virus should be further studied. The Taiwan Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also said that the virus has been noticed and plans to test it.

Professor Wang Linfa, one of the authors of the article on Monday (8th), said that these cases are not fatal or very serious, so they should be vigilant than panic rather than panic, not panic, not panic, not panicEssenceBut Wang Linfa also said, "We must be careful, because there are more similar viruses in nature. If there is a different virus jumping on humans, the situation may be different."

380 crown diseases in China

On the other hand, according to the data of the National Health and Health Commission of China, 380 new local crown diseases were added on Tuesday (August 9), and 572 were added with asymptomatic infections.Among them, Tibet added 10 newly -known cases and 18 asymptomatic infections, and 285 newly added Hainan Province of tourism provinces.

According to the WeChat public account of the Propaganda Department of the Ali District Committee of Tibet, static management will be implemented in the entire area of the Ali region on Thursday (11th), and the implementation of the implementation is three days. The masses and tourists are not necessary.

In response to the repeated and multi -point distribution of the crown disease epidemic, Chinese officials have once again emphasized that the epidemic prevention and control of dynamic clearing zero must not be relaxed.

Economic Daily on Wednesday (10th) published a comment article on the front page stating that the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China recently pointed out that it is necessaryIt must be strictly controlled and controlled immediately, and the control must be resolutely controlled, and we must not relax.

The article emphasizes that the prevention policies of Chinese and Western countries are different. The first consideration is to maximize the protection of the people's lives and health.Relax prevention and control will inevitably cause large -scale people infection, and economic and social development will be severely impacted.