It has been reported several times to cancel the restricted purchase of restrictions on the purchase of houses, social security (individual tax) and other restrictive house purchase conditions.

According to the Beijing Daily reported on August 9, Langfang City recently announced the six measures to support the virtuous cycle and healthy development of the real estate industry to understand the card display, and Langfang optimized the adjustment of housing purchase restrictions and sales restrictions.The abolition of household registration, social security (individual tax) and other aspects that are not adapted to the current real estate market situation restrictive purchase qualification conditions.When recruiting talents to attract high -end talents, high -end investment enterprises, and Beijing non -capital functions, they are treated in accordance with local household registration.

At the same time, the "North Three County" (Yanjiao, Da Factory, Xianghe) and around the county (cities) around the Xiong'an New District will cancel the requirements of housing restrictions on households in non -local residents.

Langfang City announced on June 17 this year that six policy measures on supporting the virtuous cycle and healthy development of the real estate industry.However, at the time, the first measure was not announced, but it showed "slightly" and did not mention the cancellation of purchase restrictions.

The other five policies and measures include to further reduce the proportion of housing provident fund loan down payment, and pay the employee's use of housing provident fund loans to purchase the first self -living house, the down payment ratio is not less than 20%; the high -end high -end introduction is introduced;Talents can be subsidized when they purchase their first self -occupied housing in combination with reality, and increase the maximum loan amount of housing provident fund.

It is reported that the Huaying property market was very hot in 2016. In less than a year, the housing price of the ring region, including Langfang, has basically doubled.About 8,162 yuan) or above, the large manufacturer is more than 30,000 yuan, and Gu'an is more than 25,000 yuan.

Langfang has been restricted from 2017, and requires non -local household registration to purchase housing for three years to continue social security or individual taxes.The population of Beijing home buyers has decreased significantly, and the market transaction scale has fallen rapidly.

According to the First Financial Report, industry analysts believe that the official cancellation of sales and restrictions on Langfang can effectively activate the market and provide guidance for other similar cities in the second half of the year.Second -hand housing market transaction.The property market policies of surrounding cities such as Tangshan, Hengshui, and Chengde are also greatly inspired.

For Yanjiao, which focuses on Beijing customers, analysts believe that the core constraints of the Yanjiao market are not restrictions on purchases, nor is it because the down payment is 10%.It is necessary to solve the overall development of Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei, open up the commute bottlenecks of Yanjiao and Beijing, and enhance public service standards.