Monday China (August 8) reported 828 new local crown diseases, including 471 cases of Hainan Province, which had the most severe epidemic, and the epidemic was still rising rapidly.

According to the website of the China National Health and Health Commission, 350 new local diagnosis cases were reported on August 8th, of which 300 cases in Hainan were still the most; 478 newly added local infections, of which 171 Hainan 171 was 171For example, 146 cases in Xinjiang.

Hainan's new infected people are still concentrated in Sanya. According to the Hainan Provincial Health and Health Commission, Sanya City added 234 new local diagnosis cases and 145 cases of infected infections.

From 0:00 on August 1st to 24:00 on August 8th, Hainan's this round of epidemic has reported a total of 1,282 local diagnosis cases.

The this round of Hainan's epidemic has spread to 13 cities and counties in the province. Hainan officially announced on Monday that the general mobilization and assault order of the decisive epidemic situation will be issued to the province.The goal.

According to the Hainan Daily, Shen Xiaoming, Secretary of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, and the leader of the leadership group of the provincial party committee, said at a meeting of the leading group of the provincial party committee in response to the epidemic work.It is still in the period of rising development, and the situation of prevention and control is complicated and severe, but favorable factors are also accumulating.

He pointed out that the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government decided to mobilize and assault orders to the province, asking all departments and cadres at all levels to overcome all difficulties, and realized the society in a clear society before August 12.

According to Global Network reports, Zhou Changqiang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Hainan Provincial Health and Health Commission, said that the Hainan epidemic is still in a rapid development period."Hard battle".

He also mentioned that since the epidemic in 2020, Hainan has handled several epidemics, especially in April and July this year.The self -confidence mentality has many shortcomings and weaknesses in inflowing, nucleic acid testing, and medical treatment.